*- 38 - She was one hell of a girl

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It was a complete madhouse at 12 Grimmauld Place. Seven envelopes had just arrived by owl and everyone knew that those envelopes contained test scores.

Harry had arrived yesterday after some sketchy things went on in his hometown. Dementors had shown up and attacked him and his cousin. He was forced to use the Patronus charm and therefore, the Ministry was breathing down his neck since he's underage and was in the presence of a Muggle.

Things had been kind of weird at Grimmauld Place for that reason, but today, the atmosphere was back to its usual, cheery state.

We all sat around the table as Molly handed out everyone's envelope. I had studied so incredibly hard for these courses, they better be good.

I received my envelope and tried my best to stay calm, but my hands were shaking as I opened the envelope. Even though the actual Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test would take place at the end of next year, before graduation, these were just as important to me. If these weren't good enough, I wouldn't be able to still follow all five of my NEWT-courses. I opened the letter and my eyes scanned over the paper.

Charms: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Outstanding

Defence Against The Dark Arts: Exceeds Expectations

Potions: Outstanding

Care for Magical Creatures: Exceeds Expectations

I gasped and happiness filled every inch of my body. These were good results. What was I saying? These were immaculate results.

"I take it your scores are quite good?" Fred said and looked at my paper. His eyes grew wide when he saw my scores.

"Y/N, that is terrific!" he said and hugged me tightly. I had tears in my eyes, but I couldn't help it. I was so happy.

"What about you?" I asked as the nerves started to return. Fred handed me his paper.

Charms: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Exceeds Expectations

Defence Against The Dark Arts: Acceptable

Potions: Exceeds Expectations

"Oh my lord, Fred! These are good!" I said and hugged him again. Fred and George were extremely smart, but they weren't the biggest fan of studying. They would rather go off and invent new things for their joke shop. But seeing these results couldn't make me more proud. He had put  in the work and it paid off.

We exchanged scores and honestly, everyone's scores were great. Hermione passed eleven courses with an O and one with an E, so I congratulated her thoroughly. I could see that she was very proud of it. She was beaming and she should. School was important for her, so she deserved these results. Ron had six E's, one A and unfortunately failed two exams, but he was very happy with his result. Harry's results were also average, which I couldn't blame him for due to this year's events. He had five E's and one O though, so even though his other classes weren't great, he could take on six NEWT-classes if he wanted to. George's scores were a little below Fred's, which he would be reminded of every day for the next month or so by Fred, but he still did quite well. He didn't fail any classes. Ginny's scores were also good, but she was a clever girl after all.

I stored away my letter and took a deep breath. Life was really good right now.

"I've got some other letters", Molly suddenly said and everyone looked up confused.

"One for Hermione and one for Ron", she said and handed them both their letters. I had no clue what these letters were for, especially since Harry didn't receive one. It was always the three of them.

"What?" Ron said confused, but a smile appeared on his lips.

"Mum, I'm a prefect!" he said and stood up. Everyone cheered for him, as well as for Hermione, who had gotten the same message.

I congratulated both of them again and gave them a hug. Everyone in the Weasley family had been a prefect, except for the twins and Ginny of course. The twins didn't mind, though. They weren't very suited for the job, nor did they have the extra time to spend.

"I think this calls for a little celebration. Y/N, dear, how would you feel about helping me bake a cake?" Molly squeezed Ron's cheeks.

"I'm on it", I said and followed her to the kitchen.


I watched Y/N as she ran around the kitchen, helping mum. I was working with George on our Guaranteed Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher, which was her idea. She always had great ideas and even though she wasn't as completely mad as George and I, she was the perfect addition to the team. She was my future and I couldn't imagine a possibly brighter one.

She laughed as mum was complaining about the mess we were making again. She looked so happy. A little over a month ago, when Cedric died, she was the exact opposite of what she was now. She was broken, fragile, empty and hurt. She had been through more than anyone I knew. I was surprised that she wasn't close with Harry. Those two really had some things in common to talk about. That night when I carried her to the castle and she was completely silent and completely still, I feared that she would never recover. A person can handle a lot of things, but not everything.

Y/N did recover though, and how. She was smiling brightly, enjoying the things she did. She had great test scores and I believe the birthday party did her good. She was whole again, strong, full of life and happy. I was so proud of her. She was one hell of a girl to overcome the setbacks that were thrown her way.

"What are you staring at?" she said and walked up to me. My mum had gone to the store to fetch some extra ingredients. She was stirring the bowl with batter and there was a little flour in her hair. She put the bowl away and pulled me up. I liked that I was taller than her. It made me feel so protective in a way. I couldn't protect her from everything, but I could help make things better.

"You've got flour in your hair. You're such a mess", I joked and brushed it out of her hair.

"You've got a little something on your face too", she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Right here", she said and stroked my lips, even though there was nothing there. She leaned in and kissed me slowly. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her back and pulled her against me. I loved this girl so much.

"You seem happy", I said as she pulled away. She was smiling and her eyes were twinkling.

"That's because I am", she said and fixed my hair.

"That's good. It's good to see you so happy." It really was.

"Well, you have yourself to thank for that. You're the only reason that I am where I am today."

"I'm pretty sure you did most of it yourself", I said. I liked that I meant something to her and that I helped her in some way, but her strength and willpower was what got her where she was today.

"You gave me a family Fred. You've given me a future, you've given me hope and you've given me a whole lot of love."

"Well, I can you give you a whole lot more of that last part", I said and kissed her again. I would never, ever get sick of this feeling.

"Come on guys, do you have to do that in the kitchen?" George asked when he came in. He was smirking though, meaning that he was just messing with us.

"You're just jealous, brother."

"Oh please, keep telling yourself that."

I knew that George was only happy for me, but that didn't mean that I couldn't tease him about it.

"If you're done sucking each other's faces off, I've got a really good idea for the shop", he said.

"Go ahead, I have a cake to bake", Y/N smiled. She gave me a quick kiss before grabbing her bowl of batter again. I watcher her a little longer before I followed Georgie upstairs.

"You're so whipped", he chuckled.

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