*- 23 - A whole world of feelings

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It was 24 February and I was, yet again, hopping from one foot to the other out of nervousness. The task had already began and now we just had to wait for a full hour without knowing anything. There were so many hidden creatures in the Great Lake. What if someone would die or get hurt? Would we even know? My eyes scanned the lake, trying to spot some sort of movement, but nothing.

"You seem like you could use a cup of hot chocolate", I heard and looked up. Fred stood beside me and handed me a steaming red cup. I was so consumed by stress that I hadn't even noticed him.

"Definitely. Thanks", I said and took it.

Nothing much had happened since Valentine's Day. I hadn't had one minute of alone time with him since. The school was buzzing in the days before the second task, we had a bunch of homework and when we had a bit of free time, we would always do something with our group. I also spent a lot of time with Cedric and Cho, perfecting the Bubble-Head Charm. 

 I didn't really put in much effort of getting him alone, but neither did he. Things were just busy and I guess not doing anything was my way of justifying the fact that I didn't know what to do.

I had thought about it though, a lot. At night when I'd go to bed, he'd always pop up in my mind. It couldn't just be one kiss and back to the way things were, right? But why wasn't he doing anything? And why was I expecting him to act first again? I was so hopeless.

"Earth to Homeschooled", I heard and woke up from my string of thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked and looked up. Fred seemed disappointed about something.

"It's nothing", he said and walked away.

"Wait, Fred!" I called out. He turned around, but suddenly someone came up from the Lake and the crowd started cheering, pulling my thoughts away from Fred again. Cedric appeared to have finished first, though, so I decided to just cheer with the rest for a while and worry about Fred later.


I didn't understand. I really thought that that night would set things off. I had hoped for a chain reaction in the good direction for once, but none like that happened. Nothing happened at all. Y/N seemed to have lost interest in me. Was that it? Was I just interesting until she had me? I couldn't ignore the annoying feeling I had been feeling in my chest all week. It was draining my good mood and it had finally won. I stomped my way to the Gryffindor Tower. I didn't care about the stupid Triwizard Tournament which stupid Pretty Boy Diggory might win. Y/N had been hanging out with him more than before. Was he the new interesting thing now he was competing in the tournament? Maybe I should warn him that it was just a matter of time before she moved on to someone else.

I didn't know why I thought such things about her, but I did.


I couldn't find Fred anywhere and I had a bad feeling about the entire situation. We were celebrating Harry's second place with a little party and Fred was nowhere to be seen, which was very odd. A party was no party without the complete Weasley duo. Something must be really wrong. It was time for me to face the music instead of hiding from difficulties all the time.

"George, do you know where Fred is?" I asked him and he shrugged, but I could see in his eyes that he knew.

"George", I said and glared at him.

"He's upstairs. Jeez, if looks could kill ... ", he mumbled and walked away. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the sixth floor of the tower. Boys could not go to the girls' dorms, but girls could go to the boys'. It was a little strange, but I was quite happy with it right now.

I knocked twice and pushed open the door before I could change my mind.

Fred was looking out of the window and cracking his knuckles, which was something he always did when he was annoyed.

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