Chapter one

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Riverdale 1988

"The dress looks so beautiful Jackie!" One of the bridesmaids state as she fluffs it to make it appear bigger.

All of the other bridesmaids chime in with their own little comments.

"Guys... Im getting married!!" Jackie screams from excitement as the other girls join in.

"Not without your vail you're not!! Where is that thing?" Her soon to be sister in law asks.

"Oh, I think I left it upstairs" Jackie replies with a pout.

"Don't worry, I'll get it" her soon to be sister in law replies with a sweet smile before she runs off.

"She is SO annoying." One of the bridesmaids state once she has left the room.

"I know! And she's going to be my sister in law in an hour!" She says out of pure disgust.

"Sooo, tell us... what happened with Tom last night?" The other bridesmaid asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Shhhhhhh!" Jackie says hoping no one heard.

"So I told him, If he wanted to stop the wedding he had to speak up now. But he said he was never going to settle down, and I should just go ahead and marry FP." She explains with an eye roll earning a few from her bridesmaids.

"Ouuu, did he give you a wedding present?" One of them asks while mimicking a sex move.

"I guess you could call it that." She replies with a smirk as the others burst into laughter.

"Shhhh it's the last time I swear!" She states quietly.

"Yeah right!" One of them replies.

"FP is so sweet and considerate and he's gunna be a cardiologist! So I'm marrying him... and the big zucchini in the middle of his face" she says making fun of the size of his nose.

They all start laughing together as they keep adding little comments. But what they didn't know is that FP and his cousin, Ben, had been listening the entire time. A few tears streamed down his face while listening to how awful his soon to be wife was talking about him.

"FP, I'm so sorry." Ben says.

FP just leaves. He wasn't marrying that toxic of a human. Instead he devised to go to a bar, to drink away his sorrows. Halfway done with drinking his last beer, a beautiful, sexy woman comes into the bar trying to get past a bunch of men who keep hitting on her. She eventually gets to the bar and takes a seat beside FP, but drops her purse in the process.

"You dropped your pur-"

"Can I just sit for ten seconds and not get hit on? Thanks." She stages dramatically cutting him off.

He sighs as he reaches down to grab her purse. "I was just letting you know you dropped her purse." He says putting on the bar for her.

She sighs once she sees the wedding ring on his hand. "Oh I'm sorry- I'm sure you didn't meet the lady who gave you that ring in a meet market like this." She says with a smile. "How long have you been married?" She adds.

Wanting to tell her the truth, he opens his mouth to speak but he really didn't want her to know what a loser he was. So he decided to... stretch the truth a little bit. "Six years." He says plainly.

"Where's your wife tonight?" She asks while playing with her hair.

"I stopped asking that question a long time ago" he replies with a shake of his head.

"You poor guy... you wanna get out of here?" She asks with a grin. He replies with a nod.

And that's when he discovered the power of the wedding ring. It was a tool to get back on the horse.

Riverdale 1992

A lot had happened for FP in those last few years. He decided to switch from cardiology to plastic surgery, he got ride of his huge nose, and the ring became his thing. Picking up however many girls he wants.

He sometimes thinks about throwing the ring away,
He knows how wrong this all is. But he just can never bring himself to do it. In his mind, being fake married is his way of making sure he never gets his heart broken again.


Hey guys! So this is my new story. Please let me know if you guys want me to continue! Obviously the time lines are different, and certain people don't exist in the story. Hope you guys enjoy it! ❤️

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