Chapter fourteen

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After their fun day outdoors, it was finally time to head back to the hotel. They walked for a few miles, until they reached a tiny little cart to take them back.

Alice, Ben and her two children got our first once they arrived, next out came FP and Gladys.

"I want to cook Gladys mountain, so why don't we get rid of the little rascals." FP mentions as he hops out of the cart.

"What? No. They had them last night, isn't it our turn now?" Gladys exclaims, eyeing Alice and Ben.

"What? No, no no. I-I get the kids- I had them today. That counted as a me day, and then she gets them at night. That's how we do it." FP explains, rubbing her shoulder softly.

"Well, Hermie and Fred, would you like us to watch the kids tonight so that you can have some alone time?" Gladys quirks an eyebrow, as FP is shaking his head vigorously behind her, telling them to say no.

"Oh.. I don't-"

"Yes! Absolutely! Thank you Gladys." Feed interrupts Alice who gives him a death glare.

"Then it's settled." Gladys beams.

Betty and Charles share a nervous look before Fred is pushing them and Alice towards the hotel to hurry the process along. Gladys and FP follow closely behind, FP with a sigh and Gladys with a smile.

- - - - -

Alice had taken them to their own hotel room first so that they could pack up some things for their sleepover at FP's hotel room.

She didn't like leaving her kids, this was the first time in two years that she wouldn't be tucking them in. She trusted FP more than anyone to look after them, but nonetheless it made her nervous.

They walk into the luxury presidential suite and gasp. Gladys and FP greet them with smiles as the three of them take in the room.

"Hey guys! If you wanna come with me, I think I saw some dolphins out on the balcony." She tells them.

"Dolphins? Well Charles sure loves those." FP exclaims, pointing at the boy remembering that, that was the entire reason why they were here.

They both attempt to go with Gladys but are held back by Alice who does it absentmindedly. They look back at her with reassuring smiles and she lets go with a short chuckle.

"Bye guys." Alice says, placing a hand on her forehead.

They make their way to the balcony with Gladys, leaving FP and Alice alone. She sighs as she starts waking to the door to leave with FP trailing behind her.

"But listen, if anything and I mean anything happens , you know you have to call me." She tells him, turning back towards him once she reaches the door.

"I'm good at taking care of children, I promise. I use to babysit Ben all the time."

"Oh, Ben is your fault?" Alice smirks.

FP chuckles "No... but I want you to really enjoy tonight. It's like a free night, you can do whatever you want. You could knit yourself some socks-" she rolls her eyes at him. "Or shock people with your sneaky hot body." He raises an eyebrow with a smug grin.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She shakes her head. "Listen, I'm just going to sit in my room and worry about you, them and everything" she tells him honestly.

He feels bad that it's causing her so much worry, he tries to find a solution to make her feel better, but it's quite difficult.

"Why not just hangout with Ben tonight, have some dinner?" She scoffs. "Oh or is he not good enough? You need real Fred you went on a date with? I'm Fred Andrews man!" He imitates the man with a finger to his chin for the beard with a laugh.

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