Chapter eighteen

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This is dedicated to Nouk, I think you read this.. I'm sorry for killing you 🥺🥺


He smiled brilliantly as he ran back towards the elevator, his heart beating out of his chest at what he was about to do.

He pushed the back elevator button and waited patiently. Just as the doors opened and he was about to walk in, he stops dead in his tracks.

"Hey! There he is, FP!" A very intoxicated Ben steps out of the elevator with Gladys beside him.

"Oh, hey, nice to meet you." He shakes Ben's hand, his mind completely out of it.

"Where were you going?" Gladys questions, leaning in to peck a kiss on his lips.

"I was Uh-I was going to-uh, where were you guys? I was going to look for you guys. What-what happened?" He breathes out.

"Fred, gave mouth to mouth to a sheep!" Gladys giggles. "And then we had a few drinks."

"It was a very different experience." Ben chuckles.

"And we've been talking about how amazing this trio has been, and how amazing you are. And that if the kids and I haven't kept you so busy, that you might've had the time to do something you've been thinking about doing?" Gladys smiles shyly, raising an eyebrow at a confused FP.

"One ringy-dingy." Ben smirks, holding up his ring finger and pointing to it.

FP lets out a sigh. "Uh- yeah, you told her about that?"

"I don't need you to get me a ring, FP. Let's just get married, right here!" She exclaims, intertwining their fingers.

"What now?" FP stares at her with wide eyes.

"Why not? We're in Hawaii! Let's do it tomorrow." She bites her lip softly. "I mean this has felt so special from the moment we first met, and I have seen the way that you are with the kids and it is exactly the way I always imagined my husband to be."

"Oh, haha wow-" he breathes out, she connects their lips again in a soft kiss.

"I don't wanna wait! I just want to start my life with you." She tilts her head to the side.

The elevator doors suddenly open again, revealing a grinning Alice who stops dead in her tracks as soon as she sees the couple. Her eyes are wide and her mouth gapes open slightly, as all of their heads turn to her.

"Hi!" Gladys smiles.

"What-I- hi, everybody!" She exclaims flustered. "Fred, there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you." She makes up an excuse.

"For me?" He drunkenly asks her.

"Yes! come on, let's go." She says, standing in between the elevator doors.

"No way, we can't go now!" He responds excitedly.

"What, why?"

"FP and Gladys, are getting married tomorrow!" He jumps around excitedly.

She felt like she had just been hit face first with a door. Her heart sank to her stomach at the news she was told, she couldn't help the bewildered stare she gave FP.

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