Chapter twenty

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"It's nice to tell the truth, that was good." FP smirked as Alice tensed.

"Like, were you telling the truth when you said you might be in love with me?" He poked her side, watching her gulp anxiously.

Hermione took that as her cue to get out of there. "I'm going to leave you two." She took one last sip of her drink.

"Okay." Alice choked out

"I'm gonna go get a divorce." She whispered

"Good luck." Alice nodded, her main focus being the man beside her knowing her true feelings.

She turned around once more to see FP smiling at her sweetly. Why was he here? Why was he teasing her?

"Wait, where are my kids?" She suddenly realizes, becoming more anxious.

"Gladys took them out for ice cream." He stated, she nodded in response not meeting his eyes.

She knew she couldn't avoid it for forever. She was embarrassed, but tried to cover up the fact that her cheeks were becoming a deep shade of red.

"Well, how was the wedding?" She rips the bandaid off.

"Okay, alright. So we're standing on top of this beautiful cliff, I start looking out into the Pacific, and I think to myself- 'wow, I am about to start my life with the one I love'-" He tells her, watching as her face twitched slightly.

"The only problem was, the one I love was not with me." He admits, shaking his head.

Her eyebrows raise. "She wasn't?"

"She was not."

"So you didn't?"

"I couldn't."

"You couldn't." She whispered, watching him smile at her.

"I mean, don't we have something extra happening with us?" He takes her hand in his, fiddling with her fingers.

She shakes her head, unable to get her words out.

"FP, I-" their eyes connect, and she got lost in them for a moment before she remembered what was going on.

"What happens when we're not on fake-cation, and you wake up and realize that this is real?" She asks him, trying to get him to wake up from whatever dream he was in.

"You are the only real thing I've ever had in my life." He tells her gently.

"FP, come on. I don't-" she sighs. "She is beautiful, and she's-" her voice wavers slightly. "I'm not twenty three, I'm not that." She insecurely tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"She's good, she's very nice, but there's only one problem, she's not you." He meets her eyes who have glistened over. "She's not you." He whispers.

"I have two kids. I can't just drive them off a cliff you know?" She tells him another reason he wouldn't want her, hoping that it really woke him up from his trance this time.

"I love those kids more than anything in the world, Guv'nor." He imitated the British accent Betty had kept this entire facade.

She laughed, feeling her heart glow. This man was truly something, and she couldn't figure out why he wanted her.

"No, I wanna be with those guys like twenty three hours a day." He assures her.

"What about the other hour?" Her eyebrows wrinkle in confusion.

He tilts his head, grinning at her. She smiled back, knowing who he wanted to spend that other hour with. He gulped nervously as he inched slightly closer to her, she did the same and they finally let their lips connect.

It was as if time had stopped. The feeling that had ran through their bodies was something neither of them had ever felt before. He cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her passionately.

They finally broke apart needing air, resting their foreheads together as they smiled brilliantly. They knew they were meant to be.


Everything turned out pretty good for everybody.

Charles got to swim with the dolphins, which was the entire reason that they were even in Hawaii.

Gladys was understanding, and flew back home early. She met some tennis player her own age on the plane ride home, who was an even bigger fan of NSYNC than her.

Betty will soon be starting her three-week acting class FP had promised to pay for.

What about FP? Well he's finally wearing his wedding ring for real now. And now when a woman asks him about it, he's going to tell them he's married to a woman who doesn't beat him, doesn't cheat on him, doesn't drink- well doesn't drink that much... And that he's going to be spending the rest of his life with her. A woman named Alice.

They had finally gotten married, it hadn't taken them long at all. Everyone was dancing along to the music that was playing.

FP watched with a grin as his father spun Alice around the dance floor. Seeing how much she loved and cared for his family made him love her even more, if that was possible.

She had spotted FP sitting all by himself and decided that it was time he got his ass up to dance with her. So she made her way over to him, with her beautiful white dress, simple but hugged every curve. She smiled devilishly as she finally reached him.

"Would you like to dance with your wife, doctor Jones?" She grins, leaning down connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.

"Yes, I would Mrs. Jones." She pulls him up from his chair, and he wastes no time by connecting their lips again, warning a giggle from her.

"Come on." She laughed, pulling him to the dance floor.

He followed with a smile, this woman was his everything. He placed a hand on her hip, and the other was attached to her own hand as hers was around his neck. They swayed to the music, their foreheads leaning against each other as the band played.

"I love you." He tells her with a smile.

"I love you too." She beams.

FP looks over at the band, the band the real Fred Andrews was in, and nudged her to look.

"You were right, he's going pretty hard on the bass."

"What did I tell you?" She pulled him closer, both of them still eyeing the bass player.

"Hey, encore man!" He mimicked the beard with his finger again, earning a loud laugh from Alice.

"Stop." She swatted his shoulder playfully.

She looked over at at Fred once more, really seeing his beard move this time and shook her head.

"I get it, I do." She smiled, also mimicking his beard with her finger.

"You don't need wind for that to swing around." He jokes, watching her head lean back as she giggled.

He pulled her in as close as possible, kissing the side of her head. He married his best friend, he married the woman of his dreams.

"Just go with it" he had told her. And now look at what he got for "just going with it."


Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed. If you haven't already, you should definitely go check out the movie that inspired this fic. It's on Netflix, and Is definitely worth the watch. I loved writing this, and I will miss it.

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