Chapter twelve

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The six of them had relaxed the entire day, and decided to go get dinner all together. They all dressed nicely and sat at a round table.

"So, guys, we are all here to get to know each other better-" Gladys starts.

"Yes!" Alice and FP say in union with a smile.

"Fred, let's start with you. So what line of work are you in?" She asks him.

"Well Gladys, I am in sheep." Fred let's out quickly coming up with the first thing he can.

FP and Alice send him a confused look before eyeing each other.

"I'm sorry, I don't exactly understand." Gladys tells him confusingly.

"I am a sheep shipper."

"Oh." Gladys let's out, still extremely confused.

"People go online to buy sheep's now, and that-that's what I do-I do that." He rambles, taking a long sip of his drink.

"I'm fascinated! I never knew about this, please tell me more." Gladys encourages.

"Well, people go to my website, see pictures of these sheep, pick the ones they want and then I ship them to those people." He explains.

The waiter comes over to fill up Alice's piña colada with a pitcher. The waiter fills it to the top and Alice takes a drink before grabbing the pitcher from the waiter's hands.

"You can just, leave that here." She lets out in a sigh.

"So what do people do with these sheep?" Gladys asks another question, causing Alice to roll her eyes.

"They do whatever they want! Some keep them as pets, some have them as security for the house. And that is actually how Hermie and I met, she bought a sheep from me." He finishes with a small smile, clearly proud that he invented his entire career.

"Really? Why-why did you buy a sheep?" She asks Alice.

"Children? Okay, tune out because some secrets, some adult secrets are coming out." Ben says before Alice can speak.

"She likes to shave the sheep, for the pelt for the sex, sexuals yes. She has got a fetish for the wool and stuff, you know-"

Betty clears her throat, feeling rather awkward as Charles just looks at the man, clearly confused as to what he was talking about.

"FP, would you come with me please?" Alice says harsher than she expected.

"Yeah, for sure. So we're going to leave right now, so you guys play that game we love to play, the nobody talk game. Okay? Okay." FP says as the two get up from the table and go for a much needed walk.

"I'm sorry, but we are leaving. I cannot do this!" She tells him furiously as she walks away quickly.

"No no no, please Al." He pleads, catching up to her. He places his hand on the small of her back to calm her down.

"I am going to kill that guy!" Alice shouts as she dramatically raises her hands.

"He was going sheep crazy, I'll give you that." He admits as he runs just to keep up with her.

"Al, Al. Where's your hand right now?" He asks her for her tolerance level, and she finally stops walking.

"Where's my hand? You wanna see where it is?" She raises her hand as high as it'll go. "It's not even here anymore! It's gone!" She exclaims furiously.

"How about I beat him up?" Alice sighs at that, as she shakes her head. "You can beat him up with me, it'll be fun!" FP tries to convince her.

"I don't want to! I have to go." She exclaims, putting her hands on her hips.

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