Chapter nine

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"Come on you're late! What are you in character right away!?" FP shouts as Alice pulls up to pops in her car.

"Come on lets go, she's inside." He tells them, making his way over to open Alice's door.

She lets out a groan as she fixes up her black fancy dress.

"What is that?" FP asks eyeing her outfit.

"Are you kidding me? This is what you want from me!" Alice defends while motioning to her outfit.

"I know, I know I'm just saying it's a little over the top but-"

"Thanks, happy to be here to help you." She replies sarcastically.

The four of them gather in a circle right beside their car to talk about what's going to go down in there.

"The first rule of improv is to always accept the information, if someone says something just go with it, no saying no." Betty tells the three rather confidently.

"Got it, got it." FP nods

"I'm my acting class, when someone says no we all yell DIE!" She tells them, so they understand fully.

"Well then, no one will say no then. Don't yell die." FP shakes his head as Alice smirks.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get in there." Charles states.

The four of them walk in confidently. Other than being quite nervous, FP and Alice had it under control.

They walk in the dinner to find it extremely busy as a kid was hosting his birthday party there. Alice closes her eyes for a moment to get use to the yelling.

"It stinks, it smells like kids feet in here." FP tells her earning a giggle.

"Happy Father's Day." Alice says with a wide smile.

He's about to respond, but is interrupted  as a kid at tripped over a foot, and went head first into FP's crotch area. He lets out a groan before bending his knees in pain.

The kid screams as tears start to form. He swiftly gets up and runs back to his table shouting- "mommy, that man put his pee pee on my face!"

"What!?" FP shouts as the entire diner goes silent. "He put his face on my pee pee!" He defends.

"FP!" Alice smacks his arm.

"I'm saying he's the one-"

"I don't think it really matters." She hisses through her teeth.

Gladys suddenly makes her way out of the bathroom seeing them and walks towards them.

"Oh, Gladys! Darling, hello." Alice says pulling her into a hug.

"Hermie, thank you so much for bringing the kids today." She tells her once they she pulls away.

"I don't think she was the only one who brought em, you know what I'm saying. They are my pride and joy!" FP states as Alice looks at him in disbelief.

"I'd like to introduce you to the one and only Jellybean" he points to her. "And Jughead right there." He ruffles his pretend son's hair.

"Hi you guys!" Gladys joyfully greets them.

"Ello Gladys, beard so much about you." Betty says in a British accent with a smile, as Alice and FP share a nervous look.

"You're British." Gladys states confusingly.

"So you're the bird what's been giving my daddy the ol' slap and tickle." Betty again sticks to her British accent with a wide grin.

Gladys looks to them for an explanation.

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