Chapter sixteen

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After they had all met back up at the pool, they had decided to go back to their hotel rooms to cool down for the night.

But that wasn't the case for Alice. She had stupidly agreed to dinner with Hermione later that night, and had to somehow convince FP to go with her.

"Al, I just don't understand. Why would you say yes?" He asks her over the phone, taking a bite of his apple.

"Well because, I-I didn't say no!" She sighs.

"I'm not leaving here. What would I even tell Gladys anyways?" He turns his head and watches Gladys come out of the bathroom.

He places the phone on the table as he maneuvers his way off of his back to sit properly on the couch.

"What's going on, sweetie?" He smiles.

"So, today, you know with Fred pushing me in the pool... that was weird right?" She frowns, remembering what had happened.

"No, uh- he's a sheep-shipper, that's just what those guys do you know? A lot of horseplay with those guys." He makes up on the spot.

"Okay... I guess that makes sense." She nods her head slowly. "Well, I was thinking for tonight, you and I could have a little alone time." She smirks as she drops the towel that was covering her body.

"Hmmm" he admires her. "I'll get my rubber duck and I'll see you in a second." He tells her as she makes her way back to the bathroom.

He waits till she turns the shower on to pick up the phone again with Alice still on the other line. "Yeah, no I'm not doing this tonight. It's like my first night alone with Gladys."

"All I'm asking you is one favour, one favour! Just do this one dinner with me so I can save face with this horrible human being." She frustratedly yells at him.

"Well what am I gunna tell Gladys?"

"Would you just put her on the phone." She growls.

He rolls his eyes but makes his way to the bathroom nonetheless. He opens the door to hear her blasting NSYNC and singing along with it.

"Oh god.." he murmurs.

"Tell me she is not listening to NSYNC."

"No, it's coming from the elevator." He tells her as he finds the button to shut the music off.

"Hey! FP, that is my jam." Gladys pouts.

He opens the shower door and hands her the phone. "Someone on the phone for you, I-uh don't know who."

"Oh, okay." She takes it from him. "Hello?"

Just then, Ben had made his way in Alice's bedroom with a beer in hand. Alice's eyes widen as she had a solution. She covers the bottom of the phone so Gladys couldn't hear them, and handed it over to Ben.

"What is that?" He confusingly frowns.

"It's Gladys, I need you to get on the phone, I need you to ask her out and to just take her as far away from the hotel as possible for the entire night. Would you please just do this for me." She quickly explains, giving him a pleading look.

"No, I'm already drinking a beer. I just wanna hangout here." He refuses, and with that Alice slapped his sunburnt shoulder.


"Seriously, I need you." She hisses.

"What are you- no." She slaps him again. "Ow! Oh my gosh, fine."

"Take it!"

"All right." He grabs the phone with an eye roll.

"Hey Gladys, it's Fred!" He greets her and she looks at FP.

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