Chapter ten

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After a few days of planning their trip to Hawaii, Alice, FP, Gladys and the kids had finally made their way to the airport.

After going through security, they were free to sit and wait for their flight. Gladys has decided to go grab some magazines for the plane, leaving the pretend family alone together for the first time that day.

"I cannot believe I let a six year old blackmail me." FP scoffs.

"I saw my shot, and I took it." Charles tells him before returning to the game he was playing with Betty.

"You are angry at yourself, because you got us into this whole situation." Alice huffs as she fixes the blue cardigan she decided to wear that day.

FP chuckles. "I did?"

"You really did."

"I think old Mary Poppins with the, 'you cant say no! You can't say no, Guv'nor-" FP imitates the young girl before Alice cuts him off.

"Okay, listen. My tolerance for these continued shenanigans is right here." She tells him, placing her hand in the air, just below her neck. "And if it gets up to here-" she brings her hand up to the top of her head. "-I'm taking my kids, I'm selling you out, and I'm going home."

He's about to respond but a sudden brunette interrupts his conversation as she returns with her magazines.

"I am so happy we are doing this, FP." She cheerily states, hugging the magazines close to her body.

"Are you kidding me? We're going to Hawaii, we're gonna swim with dolphins? It's going to be so much fun, I was just telling this little squirt." He tells her as the whole bunch faked the brightest smiles.

"And hopefully we're gonna have time together, right sweetie?" He asks Gladys lowly, making his way over to her to plant a loving kiss on her lips.

"Wait! Wait! FP , Wait!" A voice interrupts them before their lips could meet.

Fp's cousin, Ben, suddenly comes running through the airport, bags in hand, as he made his way over to Alice. Placing a passionate kiss on her lips when he meets her. She pushes him away by his neck with wide eyes.

"Honey, I could not stand to be without you!" He tells her.

Alice lets out a growl as she looks at FP for an explanation. She disliked Ben very much, and she didn't want him tagging along as the man she fake cheating on her fake husband with.

"Uh oh, is this him? I see the big man right Infront of me." Ben says eyeing FP.

"Okay, I'm confused right now..." FP states with a crinkle of his eyebrows.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I haven't introduced myself. We've talked on the phone, I'm Fred Andrews. Hermie's special lover" He grins.

"Kill me now." Alice says under her breath.

"Hermie said you had to stay home for work." Gladys explains everyone's confusion.

"She did? Work can't keep me away from her." Ben laughs, as Gladys smiles.

"I think that this is so great of all of you, so incredibly mature. You know, I would've loved if my parents would've done this when they got divorced." Gladys states.

"Yeah, I know! I'm glad, very glad." FP grits through his teeth.

"It is important for the kids to see us as a unit, you know?" Fred goes on.

Alice and FP make eye contact, and they share a silent conversation. Alice just kept telling him to get rid of Ben, and FP kept saying he didn't know how.

"Also, I couldn't stay away from this love monkey." Ben smirks, interrupting FP and Alice's silent conversation.

He turns to her with his tongue out, leaning in for a kiss. Alice's eyes widen in disgust as she pinches his tongue with her hands harshly. He lets out a sound of pain as she kept her fingers pinching his tongue tightly.

"Tongue is feeling a little dry, let's go get you some water!" Alice announces as she starts walking away, Ben's tongue still in her hand.

Once they make it far enough so that the others can't hear-

"Ew!"she growls as she wipes the saliva off of her hand on Ben's shirt. "What are you doing here?!"

"I don't know, saving the day, helping, hello?" He states sarcastically.

Alice sighs. "Listen, this is what you're going to do. You're gunna tell them that you ate a bad omelet for breakfast, and that you're feeling sick and that you just gotta go."

"Alice, I can't go. Okay?" He pleads

"Why?" She whines.

"Because, I texted a picture of my new equipment to my ex-girlfriend-"

"You are so disgusting." She lets out in a gross tone.

"I forgot that she had a boyfriend, and now well, he wants to uh- punch me in the face." He explains.

"I wanna punch you in the face." Alice growls.

"Hey guys, how are we doing over there?" FP calls for them.

"All good! I'm just waiting for the money to buy the ticket." Free exclaims walking towards FP.

"So you are coming? And I'm paying?" FP states lowly.

"Yes, Fred has zero dollars." He explains with a chuckle.

"Oh okay, let me see if I can just find my credit card." FP tells him.

He reaches into his pocket to find his card. He pulls it out slowly before eyeing his cousin. He slaps Ben across the face, with the card, as hard as he can. Ben grunts as he holds his burning cheek in his hands.

"That's for sleeping with my wife, pal." FP smirks.

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