Chapter three

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FP had gotten invited to a party that night and decided to bring Ben along with him. The host was a client of his, but he stopped treating him with Botox when it got too dangerous.

They walk through the mansion doors to be greeted by the man who's face was completely frozen from all the Botox.

"Hey Garry!" Fp chirps extending his hand out for a friendly handshake.

"FP! I'm so glad you could make it." Garry pulls him into a quick side hug.

"Did you bring any Botox with ya?" He asks with a smirk FP couldn't quite see.

"I didn't bring the Botox with me, but I brought my cousin Ben." FP responds pointing to his cousin who looked horrified at the sight of the man.

"Is this a Halloween party?" He asks turning his head to his cousin who gives him a death stare.

"Are you kidding me right now" he says under his breath. "You got a little more work done?" He returns his attention to Garry.

"Oh just a little bit, just little tweaks." He responds, barely audible since he can't really move his mouth.

"You really gotta stop though man, do you have any feeling in your face?" He asks with a slight smile.

Before Garry could respond, a woman came rushing over looking for help.

"Garry! Archie cut open his knee, I don't know what to do." She explains.

"Well what do you expect me to do?" Garry responds with a chuckle earning a glare from the woman.

"You know what I could stitch him up. Ben, go get my bag for me." FP chimes in.

Ben rushes to the car to grab FP's medical bag and quickly made his way back to the house to give it to FP who was now in the bathroom with Archie.

"Thanks Ben." He says grabbing the bag from him.

"No problem buddy!" Ben cheekily responds before leaving the two.

"So you fell down the stairs?" He asks as he starts to wash his hands.

"Yeah..." Archie replies almost completely out of it.

"Well, did you trip over something? Was there a skateboard there, or?" He asks again, taking off his wedding ring and placing it in his pocket.

"No, I was just distracted by something." The boy responds still staring out into space.

"Was this distraction a girl?" He asks him finally snapping him out of his daze.

"It was a girl." Archie responds with a grin.

"Okay, don't think about this." FP says kneeling down to the boys knee, sticking a needle by the cut to numb it.

"Ouch!!" Archie exclaims which earns a small slap in the face from FP. "Ouch!!!!" He says again.

"Hey, I said don't think about it." FP finishes up and walks back to out the needle in his bag.

"Blonde? Brunette? Redhead?"

"Brunette, tan, tall, rocking body, nipples..." the boy goes on about the woman.

"Want me to numb something else for you? You're getting a little nutty over there." FP responds with a chuckle and the boy shakes his head.

FP stitches the cut on his leg back together and he's good as new. He walks back out to the party with the biggest grin as everyone claps and cheers seeing him all better.

FP comes out behind him a few minutes after, and that's when he sees her. The woman Archie was talking about. A beautiful brunette with a black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. A low v-neck was also included.

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