Chapter fifteen

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The morning had come and it was time for a new day in Hawaii. Gladys and Alice got ready and we're on their way to their spa day, while FP came up with a fun little activity to do with the kids to surprise Gladys.

"Alright here we go, everybody out." FP tells them as they pull up to the gold course in a golf kart.

"So what are we doing?" Charles questions, hoping out of his seat.

"Gladys forgot her camera in the room-" he grabs the gold clubs from the back of the kart. "-so I'm gonna have a little surprise for her when she gets back from the spa." He tells them.

"A stolen camera?" Betty smirks.

"No, just some pictures of us having a great time. Reassuring her of all the fun we have together." FP shakes his head. These kids were really growing on him.

"Well... I forgot to flush the toilet before I left the hotel room, so she's going to have two surprises." Charles places his hands in his pockets, as Betty gives him a disgusted look.

"Okay, seriously? No one is supposed to crap as much as you do." He takes three golf clubs out of the bag. "You've gotta look into that Pepto Bismol or something." He chuckles.

He hands them each a club before pointing to the camera he had set up quickly. "Now, let's just look into the camera, and we're having fun, and we're a family, we love each other, and- boom." He snaps the picture of them close together, smiling brightly.

"Alright, let's do one where you get the ball in the hole, okay?" The kids nod.

"The ball is in the hole, Charles is excited about that, you and I are happy for him, and- boom!" He snaps the shot.

"Betty, you go to hit the ball but you followed through too much and it made you fall over. You're laughing, but I'm a concerned father, and- boom." He snaps another shot.

"Okay, how about now we just laugh about something I said because I'm a funny dad, you're very close with me, and you think I'm funny, and-"

"Why are we always laughing? Is there something wrong with us?" Charles furrows his brows.

"What? No. You're just amused by everything I say. So here we go, and-"

"Can we take a break, and do something really fun?" Charles pleads.

"No, were not doing anything fun man. We're here to fake having fun. Just come on, right to the camera." FP turns and give the camera a smile.

"Don't worry, we never have fun with our real dad either." Betty admits.

Fp watches as both of their faces drop at the mention of their dead beat father. He instantly feels guilty that these kids don't have his love in their life.

He sighs. "All right, how's this? I'll teach you how to swim, okay?" He pokes Charles in the shoulder. "Before your mother gets back from the spa day, in four hours." He rolls his eyes.

"Is that even possible?" Charles asks him.

"Yes, of course it is. But, we're going to take one more picture if you don't mind. Actually make that two pictures." He points to them as he makes his way over to the flag by the pole, grabbing it and talking back to them.

"Betty, make it look like you're throwing this straight in the air in three, two, one-" He shoots the shot.

"Perfect, now Charles, lay down on your stomach and clench this between your legs. Now look like you're in pain and- ouch." He takes the last photo, the three of them pretending as if the flag had landed in Charles butt.

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