Chapter seven

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FP and Gladys were sitting at a table for three, patiently awaiting the arrival of Alice, well I guess Hermie.

Fp's leg was nervously shaking as he kept taking quick sips of his beer, which Gladys quickly caught onto.

"You seem nervous, FP." She tells him as she raises an eyebrow.

"No, no. I just... it's weird, she gets me very tense." He makes up an excuse on the spot.

"I'm sorry to put you through this." She apologizes grabbing his hand.

"I understand why we're doing this, I just can't wait to past this part of my life and moving onto a new part." He smiles at her and she returns one.

"We will, tonight." She seductively smiles at him which he chuckles at.

"Good god, yes." He whispers and she giggles.

They both turn their heads and finally see her walk in. Both of their jaws practically hit the floor at how gorgeous Alice looked all dolled up.

"Is that her?" Gladys asks in disbelief.

"I think so..." he responds mesmerized.

It's as if everything happened in slow motion, watching her strut towards them. Her hair beautifully curled, hitting just below her shoulders. A stunning white dress, with an extravagant belt that hugged all of her curves. The look was completed with her glamorous makeup look, her big sunglasses and the seventeen hundred dollar shoes with her matching bag.

"She's stunning. I-I love her shoes." Gladys lets out before Alice approaches them.

"Yeah, well she's got about five pairs of them. Maybe she'll give you one." He lets out poking his cheek with his tongue.

He had never seen her like this. He always thought she was rather good looking, but with her all dressed up and finally feeling good about herself, made him think even more of her.

"Hello, boring!" Alice says approaching them as they both get up to greet her.

FP gets up slowly, going in to give her a friendly, ex-husband kiss on the cheek, placing his hands on her hips. "You really went all out, didn't you." He whispers.

"Im just playing the part." She returns in a whisper as she held onto his arm before turning her attention relates Gladys.

"Gladys, hi!" She enthusiastically says, grabbing the woman's hand to properly greet her. "Hermione Jones, soon to be- single a bee."

They all laugh together before returning to their chairs. Alice calling a waiter over, rather flirtatiously.

"Something to drink, ma'am?" He kindly asks.

"I would like a tall glass of you." She flirts and the waiter blushes.

"Oh I'm just kidding, a dirty martini please." She tells him with a chuckle.

The waiter scurries off, clearly flustered form her comment. FP takes a drink from his beer, and Gladys with her wine before they start their conversation.

"So, Gladys. I heard you and FP had sex!" Alice says nonchalantly, causing Gladys to choke on her wine.

"Yes, I am so sorry i-"

"Please, honey it is fine! I'm just happy that his thing-a-ding can still ring-a-ding." She laughs and FP sends her a glare.

"He's got a serious small issue with E.D." She says tapping her nails on the table.

FP lets our a sound of confusion, watching her diagnose him with something.

"What's E.D?" Gladys asks her.

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