Chapter thirteen

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It was six am when FP was woken up by Gladys. He kept dozing off back to sleep, but she kept waking him up till he got out of bed. She then dragged his ass downstairs to the lobby.

"Good lord, why are we leaving the hotel right now? Why did you wake me up?" He asks her in a whiney tone.

"Because, grandpa, I signed us up for the all-day adventure tour!" She happily explains, intertwining her fingers with his. "We're gonna go hiking in the rain forest, kayaking down rivers, and swimming under waterfalls."

"Swimming? I hope you mean skinny-dipping." He smirks.

"Um- I'm going to suggest swimming." Alice says loudly, causing FP to jump.

"I however, am completely fine with some nudity." Ben chimes in, getting up from his seat.

"Oh okay, so weird family nightmare is coming with us, that's- so we can bond?" He turns to look at Gladys who nods her head.

"That'll be great!" He exclaims.

"Let's go, guys!" Gladys exclaims excitedly, as she led the group.

They first went hiking through the rain forest. Trees, flowers, and rivers surrounded them as they walked through the damp and hot forest.

"It is bloody breathtaking out here!" Betty exclaims as she takes everything in.

"Is this where the blue avatar people live?" Charles asks the group and everyone smiles at the boy.

"Yeah, the blue avatar people and I think that black pig over there does too." FP says, pointing to the animal not two feet away from them.

"Where?" Alice asks making her way to the front of the little clump.

"Right there." He motions with his finger.

"Awh, look how cute." Alice coos and the others hum in agreement.

The pig suddenly squeals and starts running towards them. Everyone screams as they run away, FP making sure Alice, Gladys and the children were in-front of him before pushing Ben to the ground and running away.

The pig makes his way over to Ben and starts nipping at him.

"The pig is eating my body!" Ben screams.

FP comes back and shoos the pig away quickly and the two make their way back to the group, with FP laughing hysterically.

They all then got to climb a mountain. Gladys enjoying it much more than the others who were huffing and puffing, and could barley make it up.

They then got to enjoy kayaking down a river. Gladys has suggested that the kids go with their real parents so that they felt safer, and she could share the kayak with Ben.

FP and Charles were behind the group, taking the longest. Alice and Betty were doing fine, as they were right behind Gladys and Ben, who were in the front.

With the way she was sitting, Ben could see down her bikini bottoms. He smirked as he looked, until he felt a paddle hit him on the back of his head. He screeched in pain as he held his head.

"Keep your eyes on the river, sweetheart." Alice tells him with a smirk.

"Yes, I was looking at the canyon." He giggles, meaning her ass.

They make their way to a bridge made out of rope and wood. It was very unstable, yet they all decided to go on together at the same time.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" All six heads turn towards the man on the ground. "That bridge can only handle one person at a time!"

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