To Trap an Angel

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While my newfound brothers left to respond to a distress call from Rufus, I remained at Bobby's. Even Castiel left to apparently find God. We all doubted his plan, but we didn't argue with him much. I was bummed however, that the people I was hoping I could bond with the most, abandoned me for who knew how long. Leaving me to attempt to butter up and win over a cantankerous old man.
It was for the best really, I was still in my body the way it was when I died. Skinny, tired, starving and weak. I had no business hunting. And I knew my brothers could handle themselves without me.
Castiel was actually the first one to insist that I not confront any demons or angels, at risk of exposing who I was. The angels for sure would recognize me, and if demons figured it out too, we'd have a whole mess of trouble headed our way.
Despite that I made a silent vow not stay on the sidelines of the apocalypse forever. No matter what they said.

I was a little heart broken to be honest, when Dean came home without Sam, who apparently took off on his own. I had some brief visions of what happened, thankfully, because Dean wouldn't talk about it. In fact, he took off again in a hurry on a vampire hunt, as if avoiding the whole situation; including me.

But I kept myself busy. He wouldn't admit it, but Bobby needed help around the house. I had taken it upon myself to keep the place clean and the kitchen stocked. I cooked for him, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Made sure he was taking his meds. I wasn't exactly a professional home care giver, but beneath his stubborn griping and complaining, I knew he appreciated it.
As the days passed he softened on me more and more, even started calling me Haze.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't restless, though. The most I'd been out of the house was to get groceries and I bought myself a small wardrobe of new clothes with money Dean left me.

My cabin fever didnt go unnoticed, as I was scolded multiple times for my fidgeting. Tapping my fingers, scratching my arms, playing with my dark wavy hair...As I was doing now.
Sitting at the table, combing my fingers through the long tresses as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Bobby sat across from me reading the paper, pointedly ignoring me. I glanced at him in time to catch a glare, and he opened his mouth to say something when Castiel fluttered into the kitchen and cut him off.

I looked up at the determined angel, our eyes locking for a moment. I dont know why, but I always averted my gaze when he did that. He always looked at me in the strangest way. I couldn't put my finger on it, because angels were awkward and hard to read.
"Where are the Winchesters?" he asked us both.

"Dean's on a hunt. You need the motel address?" Bobby replied, pulling a small note from his shirt pocket. Good old Bobby, always keeping track of the boys. Castiel graciously took it, memorized it and tossed it aside. He looked as if he'd be flying off again so I stood up abruptly, my chair sliding loudly.
"Wait ! Take me with," I said, stepping around the table to face him. He made me nervous at close proximity like this but I swallowed it and held firm.

"You should stay here..." he warned softly.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I've been stuck here for like a week. I need to get out," I pleaded.

I heard a very quiet rumbling protest in his throat, but the longer I stared into his hard face, the more it softened.
"Alright," he caved, "just for now. But I'm sending you right back."

He sounded like a father giving in to a small child. My lips thinned into a grin, and I waited for his two fingers to touch my forehead like I'd seen him do so many times.

It happened so quick I didn't see it. I was expecting some sort of tunnel of light or something...but between Bobby's kitchen and the bathroom we arrived in, there was nothing but the blink of my eyes.

Dean was bent over the sink and didn't see us. Cas drew closer and waited for him to look up into the mirror.
He startled and I almost giggled at that.
"Don' that," he hissed.

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now