Soulless and Servitude

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I passed out on the way back to the hotel after straining from blood loss to help Dean force Sam's giant ass into the Impala.
I sensed it was early morning from deep under the covers I was engulfed in, and my eye socket was stuffed with gauze, strapped to my head by a scrap cloth. By the smell I figured it was one of Dean's shirts.

I moaned as my waking brain remembered I was in terrible pain.

"Hey, dont worry Haze, Cas is coming." I heard Dean tell me.

Pushing the pain aside, I tried to see with my mind what was going on.

But nothing happened. Shock and excitement rippled through me as I reached a flooring conclusion.
Without my other eye.. I could not have visions.

All my other psychic senses seemed to be functioning. I could feel Dean's anxiety, get a sense that Sam was unconscious and in the room. I could even tell that my telekinesis would work if I tried it.

The longer I thought about it, the more relieved I was. I hated my visions. Sure they were helpful, but but it was curse I didn't ask for and didnt want.

I heard a flutter of wings and felt Castiel enter the space.
"You're right, he looks terrible. You did this?"

I heard Sam groan and stir and begin to wake up.
"Cas..? What...let me go!"

A chair creaked and rocked. They had him tied up.
At that point I pulled the blanket down and poked my head out to watch the three men.

"Has he been feverish?"

"Have you?"

"No. Why?"

"Are you speaking in tongues?"

"No! What are you...Are you diagnosing me?"

"You better hope he can."

My pain boiled to a steam and I  couldn't contain it anymore, moaning and drawing their unwelcomed attention.
Cas was the first of course to come to me as I crawled out of the covers to sit up and hold my hand over the makeshift eyepatch.

"Hazel what...your eye!" Cas said urgently but quietly. He reached a hand out to touch me and make it all better, but I pulled away and shot a nervous glare at him with my remaining eye.

"Dont..." I warned, if not begged.

He looked hurt and confused. As if he thought I didn't want to be touched at all.

"I dont want it back," I whispered more to myself than him. Full of pity and understanding, he gave a slight nod. He knew why.

"At least let me heal it, you're still bleeding and in a great deal of pain I imagine. " he said, and touched my head tenderly.

In an instant the pain was gone, and the gauze felt loose and and itchy inside my eyelid.
I reached up to pull it all off, finding the empty space healed and painless, my useless eyelid staying shut as a reflex. I whispered my thanks to him as he left me to return to his purpose.

All better, however half blind, I sprang up to go get cleaned up and dressed. I didn't bother looking in the mirror. I didnt want to see the inside of my own skull.

"How much do you sleep?" Cas asked Sam as I reentered the room.

"I dont."

"At all?" Dean confirmed in surprise.

"Not since I got back. "

"And it never occurred to you that there might be something off about that?!"

"Of course it did, Dean. I-I just never told you."

I shared Dean's concern. Our suspicions were correct. Something was very, very wrong with our baby brother.

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now