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Weeks went by, a few random hunts as well. Some alone, some with one or both of my brothers. We had to refocus our attention back to stopping Eve, meaning questioning and cutting up monsters. As many as we could.

Castiel never returned to me, and at first I was glad, because I was still so upset with him. I wanted to trust him, but I was increasingly worried about his decision making after what I'd found out him trying to manufacture souls for his cause. I sympathized with his intentions, but didnt have faith in what he chose to do with them.
On the other hand, staying angry at someone you love is hard, if not impossible. I was accustomed to missing him. But all the other times we'd parted on relatively good terms, knowing where were in a relationship, however complicated.
This time, it was after a fight. One mostly fought by me. I yelled at him. Called him a liar and told him he was breaking my heart with his shady behavior. Where did that leave us? What did he take from that? Did he think I was splitting it off? And more importantly...what else was he doing behind my back? It pained me to ponder these things, and yet I stubbornly refused to pray to him.

"Haze, you coming or not?"

Sammy snapped me back to reality, calling for me from the door of my motel room. After futile efforts with the monsters, we had come up with a plan to raid Samuel's newly vacant compound for anything we could dig up. He was after all, the best source of info on all things creepy.

I lifted myself off the bed, bag slung over my shoulder and followed Sam out the car where Dean was waiting in driver's seat. Bobby was parked nearby in his Chevelle, waiting as well.
Thinking the old man could use some company, I chose to climb into the front of his two-door, and we were off.

"What's eatin' you?" Bobby asked me after several hours.

"You're one to talk." I gruffed back.

"I lost a friend, what's your excuse?"

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, not really sure if I wanted to talk about it.
Bobby waited patiently, glancing from the road to me. He wouldn't show it, but he couldn't hide it from me: he didn't like to see me sad.

"Come on kid, seriously," he coaxed as soft as he capable of.

"Its Cas..." I finally seethed out.

"He hasn't been around for awhile. You two have a fight or something?"

My lips twisted. "Something. "

"Ain't one to push for details on something like that but...If you wanna tell me..."

I really didn't. But at the same time, it was eating me up and I had to tell someone.
"Can you keep a secret?"

He narrowed his wrinkled eyes at me.
"Is that a trick question?"

"Ok...will you keep a secret?"

He scratched his beard anxiously. "I s'pose...why?"

"Remember when we told you all that stuff about Balthazar and the Titanic?"


"Well...when Cas was talking to sorta came to light, to my ears only know I'm special that way...that he ordered Balthazar to do that. To generate souls for himself to help fight his war on Raphael. "

Bobby whistled softly. "Wow...and that pissed you off, I reckon. "

I nodded slowly. "I tore him a new one, and I haven't seen him since."

Bobby reached behind his seat, pulling a small bottle of liquor up and handing it to me. "Crack that open will ya?"

I twisted the cap off and took a healthy swallow without invitation, passing it over to him.
"So what you worried about? He won't come back? "

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now