The 11th Hour

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All five us, Crowley included gathered around the yard. He looked at a little strange, and I felt the gears in his mind working out something. I wrinkled my nose at him. Whatever he thought he might do with me in the future, wasn't happening.

" All right, well...Good luck stopping the whole zombie apocalypse." Dean said to Sam.

" Yeah. Good luck killing Death."

" Yeah..."

" Remember when we used to just...hunt wendigos? How simple things were?"

"Not really."

"Well, um..." Sam began, pulling out the demon knife and offering it to Dean,"...You might need this."

Crowley held up a dismissive hand, "Keep it, Dean's covered..." he pulled a small scythe from his coat and handed it to Dean, "Death's own. Kills, golly, demons and angels and reapers and, rumor has it, the very thing itself."

" How did you get that?" Cas asked him darkly. I eyed the thing in Dean's hand, searching the truth of it with my power and confirmed it. It hurt me, actually, to pry into the depths of the most powerful weapon in existence. And we were all standing around so casually about it.

"Hello --king of the crossroads. So, shall we? " Crowley responded, then looked back at the man in the chair, "Bobby, you just gonna sit there?"

"No, I'm gonna riverdance." Bobby retorted bitterly.

Crowley shrugged, "I suppose if you want to impress the ladies...Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Really wasted that crossroads deal. Fact: you get more if you phrase it properly. So, I took the liberty of adding a teeny little sub-a clause on your behalf. What can I say? I'm an altruist..." Crowley moved to leave, then turned back to look at him again, "Just gonna sit there?"

A look of realization came over Bobby, and he looked down to see if he could move his feet. He could.

I covered my mouth with joy, almost in tears as Bobby completely rose from the chair.

"Son of a bitch..." he said in disbelief.

"Yes, I know. Completely worth your soul, " Crowley said, "I'm a hell of a guy."

"Thanks..." and he meant it.
I wanted to hug him , both of them, but that seemed inappropriate so I stayed still.

"Ok," Dean said, glancing at me, "so what are we doing with the Ice Princess?"

Cas looked at me with a scowl, but I wouldn't be swayed. "Whomever thinks they need me the most, I'll go with."

"I'll take her," Sam offered, "I think she'd be safer with zombies than with Crowley. "

Crowley threw up his hands in defensiveness. "Honestly, what would I do with her?"

Cas grabbed my arm, as if to keep me further from the demon. "I agree. And we already know she's not useful when it comes to horsemen."


Sam, Bobby, Castiel and myself hit the road to stop the distribution of the swine flu vaccine containing Croatoan.

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