Crossing Over

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My so called training wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Due to his lack of confidence as a mentor, Castiel decided to consult Sam and Dean. Dean offered that I build muscle, and Sam suggested I do cardio. Meaning my life quickly became hell.

The muscle part wasn't so bad, just difficult. But the cardio was killing me.

"You were two and a quarter seconds faster than two days ago," Cas recited to me once I reached him at the end of my mile trail he'd carved for me in some nearby woods.

As usual, I was heaving, red faced, and shaking. "Ahhh...I cant- keep- doing -this." I panted, bent over my knees in misery.

"This was your idea," he stated.

"No, Cas. I'm a smoker. I never, ever have an idea of running."

"Then I suppose you cant be a smoker anymore, can you?"

Finally after what felt like a montage of grueling exercise and living without cigarettes, I started to feel change. I was faster, and a little stronger,  my stamina was higher than it had ever been...finally it was time to train how I'd expected in the first place.

Cas found a nice level clearing in the woods for us to spar in, when I finally reached it on foot as I was instructed, he didnt look too excited.

"Are you sure about it this?" he asked me.

"Cas...I already know the basics. You're here to help me remember, and improve my reflexes," I said, stretching my arms side to side. Admittedly I was a little pumped for it.

"Meaning you want me to fight you..." he said a little darkly.

"Yeah that's the idea. It's called sparing," I replied.

"I dont want to hit you," he argued, making me roll my eyes.

"I thought I explained this already. If cant take a punch I shouldn't be fighting at all."

He came a little closer to me. "You cant take a punch from an angel," He pointed out harshly.

I grew frustrated with his lack of logic, dragging my fingers down my face. "Then dont hit me like an angel, hit me like a man."

"This is a bad idea..."

"Alright you know what? Fine. We'll try something else. No contact. I hit, you defend. "

Before he could argue one more word with me, I threw a jab directly towards his chin. He caught my fist wholly in his hand and stared at me seriously.
"See? That's all we have to do. "

I took my hand back threw the other, blocked again. I attacked him this way for several minutes before he finally got the nerve to strike back.
Thankfully he listened to me, and was holding back strength and speed, so I was able to evade or block his first few throws.
I impressed myself with how well I was already doing. But that was soon over, both my hands were knocked downward, subsequently recieving a punch in the cheek and pushed against a tree by his forearm across my chest.
For a moment there was ferocity in his eyes, but it quickly fell apart into guilt. He hit me harder than he was supposed to, I could feel it throbbing and starting to swell. But I was too distracted by our closeness. By his other hand pinning my hip to the tree.

He let me go hastily and turned from me.

"Cas...I'm ok," I assured him, "let's keep going. "

With his back to me he still said nothing. "Look, " I sighed, " I know you dont want me hurt. But this is the best way to protect me in the end and you know it. "

We went on for another hour, Castiel informing me of my mistakes when I made them, and praising when I corrected them. In our dance I was feeling more attracted to him than normal, and it began to be distracting.  I left an opening by mistake and he hit my ribs.
I doubled over , trying to be a big girl about it and not puke.

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now