Substitutes and Sacrifices I/II

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For days I lingered at home with Bobby,  who was still researching his ass off. He'd exhausted his resources, but the man wouldn't give up. He was in this for us, his boys and me. I knew him, he could care less about the world ending anymore. I knew about the gun he kept in case he wanted to off himself. But he would stay here and be our friend and father to the bitter end.
Sam had gone to track down Dean, because that son of a bitch wasn't getting off that easy. We were all so angry with him, that we weren't messing around anymore. Castiel went with Sam, to retrieve that coward kicking and screaming.

All the while I used to my abilities to keep track of him, feeding the information to Sam via phone at every step. Dean was on a farewell tour of his own design, and every stop he made that involved it, infuriated me more and more. I wished I could reach through my visions and strangle him.

Finally, Cas showed up with Sam and Dean, and despite his piss poor attitude, we made him sit with us and brainstorm.

"Yeah, no, this is good. Really," so started Dean's sarcastic rant, "You know, eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight’s when the magic happens."

I was closest to him, so I took the opportunity I'd been waiting for and smacked him upside his head, glaring daggers at him. "You're not helping.." I snarled through my teeth.

"Yeah well, let me get out of your hair then," he sneered back at me. My blood was boiling. I knew Cas could feel my energy rising along with it, but he too, was angry, and said nothing to calm me down.

"You..mmm.." I began with a growl because I just didnt have the words, "you are so lucky that I love you. And even more lucky, I have my power under control. "

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, making my fists curl in my lap until my knuckles went white. Cas finally intervened.
Not as under control as you think. Relax...

No one but me heard him of course, so I had to pretend I didn't. My family didnt actually know just how powerful I was becoming, nor how delicate the balance between my power and my emotions was. Only Cas knew, and for the sake of keeping them all from one more thing to worry about, it was going to stay that way.

"What happened to you? " Bobby asked Dean.

Dean's smugness didn't end. "Reality happened. Nuclear’s the only option we have left. Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people."

"But not all of them," Bobby said, "we gotta think of something else."

Dean shook his head. "Yeah, well, that’s easy for you to say. But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That’s on me."

A point we all knew, but refused to accept. He was only one ready to roll over. My leg started bouncing anxiously, trying my best not throw him on the floor and brawl. I didn't think he would hit me back, so it would be worth it. But because Castiel seemed to be sensing that I was too close to the edge, I held it in.

"You cant give up, son," Bobby said sadly.

"You're not my father, and you're not in my shoes," Dean said abhorrently.

That was it, I couldn't take it anymore. He disrespected Bobby and I wasnt going to be in the same room with the coward anymore. I rose to my feet abruptly and stormed off to my room.


I watched her go, shaking my head and empathizing with her anger. She came back from the dead because Lucifer willed it, but she stayed because of her brothers. She came to help without even knowing they were family. All she ever did was believe in our cause and care. Even though she had problems of her own.

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