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After making quick yet satisfying love, Castiel had to leave. Duty calls, unfortunately. It hurt everytime, because I feared for him. He was a skilled warrior, but so were the rest of his brethren. I doubted God would bring him back if Raphael killed him again. I simply had to trust that he wouldn't be reckless.

Feeling a bit grungy, I scurried naked across the hall for a quick shower. No one was upstairs,  or in the house for that matter. It was the middle of the day and I could get a small sense that Dean and Bobby were outside.
I slipped my eye patch back on after throwing on a simple band tshirt and jean shorts.
And then I stared at myself in the mirror, one eyed and damp haired. Like some ferocious warrior princess. Admittedly I liked the look, especially when I had my leather jacket on.
But I knew, someday I would have to lose it. Someday I would need my full power and have to bear the burden once more. Just not today.

When I came downstairs, Dean and Bobby were already back inside sitting around the small livingroom table having a beer. The tension was thick with uncertainty.

I sat down with them, emphasizing Dean's worries. "So...he's still asleep?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah.." Dean replied curtly, taking a drink.

I forced a reassuring smile. "He'll wake up."

"He's been through alot before," Bobby concurred, "he always bounces back."

Dean wasn't cheered. "He's never been through this."

I squeezed his arm. "You did the right thing, Dean. Even if it failed, you still did the right thing. "

He scoffed dryly. "Did I?" He then glanced at the newspaper print out Bobby had laying on the table. "Job?"

"Might be." Bobby passed it over, and I scooted my chair beside Dean to have a look too.

It read PLANE CRASH KILLS TWO as the the headline.

"Doesn't really seem like News of the Weird," Dean said.

"Pilot was found seventeen miles away, flamebroiled. Girl is just gone. No body, nothing." Bobby explained.

"Ok, I'm not changing the channel, " Dean said, regaining some enthusiasm.
We read the article together, searching for any other weird details, completely engrossed.


A familiar voice filled our eyes and sent a shockwave across the three of us sitting at the table. We looked up to see Sam standing in the entryway, looking a little rough but very much awake and alive.

My mouth fell open, excitement bubbling uncontrollably. I felt him, really felt him. He was there, all of him. My eyes watered.

"Sammy?" Dean stammered as if he couldnt believe it.

He shot out of his chair and took his brother into a strong hug. I waited my turn, after Bobby, and squeezed my Sammy around the neck till he grunted. Taking in the wonderous feeling of his soul giving off all the love and joy it did before.

"Wait...Bobby...Lucifer snapped your neck, I felt it. And Hazel...I'm pretty sure both your eyes..."

"Well Cas kind of-" Bobby began.

"Cas is alive!?"

"Yeah, Cas is fine. Sam..." Dean said, "Are you ok?"

"Actually...I'm starving. " he exasperated. I chuckled and took his arm with me to the kitchen, the others following close behind.

While Sam smashed a sandwich I made him, we had a long, but vague conversation about how Dean had a deal with Death, and what happened after Sam took the dive into the pit. He then of course asked why I still had only one eye. I had to be careful not to give up any details, because Dean feared it might poke at the wall in his mind. Sam didnt remember anything from falling into the hole, and waking up in the panic room. We were both determined to keep it that way.
Of course then he wanted to know about Cas, and Dean completely took over the conversation.
"Fighting a war against Raphael, banging big sis on the side." was his summary. I punched his arm. Not playfully either.

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now