Make New Friends, Keep the Old

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{Performing this song! }

Another night another show

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Another night another show.

Siren was to play at a performance bar in Kansas City Missouri. A big town, a big paycheck for all of us.
It wasn't a big place however, maybe a hundred people came to watch and it was about to capacity.

The lights were dimmed.

Our prerecorded orchestra music started in the background to accompany our real instruments. A pale spot light fell upon me, and I opened my eyes to the darkened faces of the crowd. We all wore dark gothic make up and black elegant attire.
I felt the magic flow through me, my bandmates, and the crowd as I sang out, strong and passionately. Beginning the song with a heavy heart.
It was one of our less "rock and roll" songs, one I'd written and opted to perform with a little more of an opera style.

My powers atuned me to all the souls in the room, through the music I was one with the atmosphere. All my ability and feelings poured forth from my vocal chords.

No one could see the tears fall over the heavy black makeup splashed over my eyes. Every time I sang this song, I cried. The band knew, but they never asked me about it.

Halfway through, in the big middle verse, I felt a strong, familiar presence somewhere in the dark, along with two others. I closed my eyes and pushed it from my mind so I could finish my song.

When it ended, the lights brightened to set the mood for the next song, and that's when I saw them in the back with my own eyes.

Dean, smiling proudly and waving as we made eye contact. And Sammy...

I fought to contain my surprise at the sight of him as the music started back up behind me.
It grew even more difficult when I caught sight of Castiel just before the crowd was blacked again.

My heart darkened just in time for a darker song and I looked directly at the angel's last seen location in the dark as I began the words.

We finished our entire arsenal of songs over the next hour, our "money box" at the front of the stage packed full. Satisfied customers slowly petering out other than a handful that stayed around for drinks.
I looked to Dean, still standing in the back, gave him a polite nod, and retreated backstage.
The band invited me to go out front for drinks once they wound down from the show, but I declined and wandered out back to the alley for a cigarette. Yes, I had started smoking again.

It wasn't long before they found me, shaking my leg anxiously and sucking my cigarette greedily whilst I leaned on the wall.

Dean was the first to approach me, Sam and Cas trickling behind.
I hugged him, but my eyes fell on Sam.
"What happened?" I asked.

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