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A oneshot by weelilly and I.
We- We did many word plays on Eve's name.
Do we regret it?
... Who knows.
Please enjoy.

The faint rattling of the train's wheels against the rails was the only sound that could be heard.
The few passengers that sat in the public vehicle were either asleep, reading, or staring out into the dark sky as the scenery slowly merged from countryside to the city, more and more houses beginning to be able to be seen, as well as lanterns.
One of those passengers was a young, short-haired male named Sou.
Seemingly tired, he tried hard not to fall asleep.
He knew that he would miss his stop otherwise.
Besides - There was a special person waiting for him, and he couldn't help getting excited at the thought of that.
As he took out his earphones and stored them in his backpack that sat next to his suitcase on the floor beside his feet, he looked outside the window, seeing white snow falling from the sky, the lights from the lanterns making it visible just fine.
Before he zipped his backpack close, he took one more item out, a creamy white sweatshirt, slipping it over his head, and putting his thick jacket over it, zipping it close.

"I wonder if he'll notice..."

Speaking to himself, the young gray-haired man took his stuff, stood up and made his way down the floor of the train, eventually reaching an exit.
Then he waited.

It were only a few minutes, but to him, it felt like eternity.
He couldn't wait to see him again.

The adrenaline from his concerts that he had hosted not too long ago - the reason why he actually was gone in the first place, for a full two weeks, as rehearsals and meetings had to be held as well -  had faded and left him calm and exhausted.

The scenery in front of him moved quickly, making it seem as if it was actually the whole world moving and not the train, before he heard a soft ringing in his ears, followed by a kind voice announcing his stop.

Finally, after three hours of just sitting, he would be able to be home again.

The thought alone made him, despite his tiredness, bounce slightly while standing, gripping the handle of his suitcase that he would be pulling behind him tightly.

As the doors finally opened, he wanted to just run into his arms, but his senses hit him and he stayed calm.

Looking around, he saw many people, but none that looked like his person.
Starting to panic, he felt tears prick at his eyes.

The crowd of people cleared up slowly, some exiting the station by themselves, others finding their friends, parents, or lovers even, exchanging a hug and taking their leave.

Amongst the few people that were remaining, one caught his eye.
Grey hair, long coat, leaning against a lantern pole, phone in hand, and looking up to meet his eye, then walking towards him.
His tears dried immediately, a smile replacing his prior frown.

"Hey.", the elder grey-haired said.

A small smile was gracing his handsome features.

He started to get fidgety and nervous, unsure of how to greet him all of a sudden.

"Have you been waiting for long?"

Though he was happy to see him, he was worried that he had made him wait, especially since the illuminated clock in the station read 3:07am.

Though, he was happy that, even at such an hour, his friend made an effort to pick him up from the station, taking note of the fact that he had to take a train there.

"That's not exactly the first thing I wanna hear after seeing my best friend again after a long time, but- Don't worry, I just arrived.", the elder smirked slightly.

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