🍂🎃 [20th] Neru//neru_sleep 🍂🎃

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"Ngh... What's that noise...?"

With a grunt, I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes.
I focused my gaze on the alarm clock beside me - 3:51am.

What a joke.

I got up, dragged my feet into my slippers and slumped towards the door.
Opening it quietly, I searched for the culprit that awoke me with such terrible music.

All over the hallway, loud, classical music could be heard.

I hated this type of so-called 'music'.
Who even invented this!?

With a yawn I walked down the floor, coming to a halt in front of room number 42.

I was about to knock but noticed another person approaching.

"Eh...? What are you doing here?", I asked, rubbing my eyes once again.

The guy, as I could make out in the faint light, held a pillow under his arm, a hand going through his messy bed-hair.
He yawned, which let him appear even cuter.

"I want to complain about the music...", he mumbled, almost tripping over his words.

"Oh... Yeah, it's terrible, right? Who even listens to classic nowadays?"

"Well, that's not my problem exactly... But I worked all night and thought I could finally get some sleep... But this is way too loud, I can't fall asleep like this..."

As if on cue, another yawn escaped his mouth, as if to emphasize what he just said.

"Oh, that's really harsh... May I ask what you were working on?"

"I make my own music."

"Oh, really??", I may have asked a little bit too excited as I saw him widen his eyes in surprise.

He immediately calmed down, though, and nodded.

"Yeah, I do. You can listen to it if you want... But let's complain first, shall we?"


I turned towards the door again, embarrassed, and knocked with little to no force at all.
I was tired, after all.

"What is it?"

An old man opened us, his expression turned into a frown.

"Excuse us, but we came over to complain about the loud music."

I kept my voice steady.
I wouldn't let myself get intimidated by a man with such bad tastes in music.

"What do I care? If you don't like it, don't listen."

Suddenly the guy from before gently pushed me aside, stepping in front of me.

"I beg your pardon, but it's already way past midnight. I don't know about your circumstances and I'd rather not know about them, but some people have worked all day and night and finally want to get some sleep. So stop being egoistic and quiet down a bit."

The man was taken aback by his words and slammed the door with a few grumbled words.

"That was... Amazing."

"You learn to deal with these people when you're a person of public life."


"Well then, good night. We'll see each other tomorrow, since you wanted to listen to my music, right?"

"Y-Yes, please! That would be awesome!"

"Okay.", he smiled.

"Then let's meet at my room at 2pm, okay? It's right there."

He pointed to a slightly opened door across the hallway, decorated with flowers, a faint light shimmering through the opening.

"Alright, I'll be there.", I smiled back and made my way back to my room.

As I lay down in bed, I thought about the cute guy again.

"Maybe classical music isn't so bad, after all..."


Not much romance happening here lately, I noticed
We shall change that in the next days

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