🍂🎃 [31st] XYZ 🍂🎃

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"Are you guys ready for the next song!?"

Screaming and applause was heard from the loud crowd beneath us, everyone cheered us on and was in a good mood.

It was incredible.

The feeling of standing on this stage, together with all my friends, was a memory I would've never exchanged for anything in this world.

"You surely remember the two XYZ VS. songs we made, don't you?"

Once again roaring applause and a cheering crowd.

"Then get now prepared for; luz and nqrse with 'Yurufuwa', featuring (Y/N)!"

We entered the stage, waving and shouting at the fans.
Senra wasn't able to attend since he had his own concert with USSS, so I had to jump in for him.

"I’m Feelin’ So… te wo tori na yo kimi wa dare to onaji na no Let Me Hear Say… tsumari wa yurufuwa maindo..."

As we started singing, the applause only got louder and, for a split moment, I thought I saw someone fainting.

We continued on until the song came to an end with nqrse's deep, English part.
I felt my heart beat skip for a moment but decided to ignore it.

Next up were un:c, Meychan and Araki with 'Boys & Girls', followed by everyone with CocktaiL and Secret Answer.

The mood only got livelier, everyone having their fun.

In between the songs we had some time to talk about the songs, our daily lives, our friendship - literally anything.
We let a microphone go through the crowd to answer some questions and laughed all together.

"How did you meet (Y/N)-san and how come she's the only female member of XYZ?"


We all thought about it for a moment.

"I think it started somewhere in winter, about two years ago?", I started.

"Yeah. You were uploading your first covers back then.", Soraru continued.

"Right. And then, someday, luz mailed me that I should attend the next utaite party of some sort? And that's were I met everyone."

"What a boring story."

"Just because you, Mafu-kun, had a more memorable encounter with Soraru-san doesn't mean my story is bad!"

"Yes, yes."

"You're the worst."

Everyone started laughing.
I felt my heart warming and was on the verge of tears.
These guys were my family, I couldn't have imagined any other way to spend this day.

"Okay, then let's sing again! Any wishes??", kradness asked, receiving millions of requests from the fans, now clearly overwhelmed.

We decided on singing in pairs.
Every pair would choose one song and, well - sing it.

Kradness and un:c sang Venom, Shoose and luz sang Mixed Juice, Araki and nqrse sang Shooting Star, Soraru and Mafu sang Loki and Meychan and I settled on Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy.

"Okay, now that this concert is coming to an end... We have one last song for you.", Shoose and Meychan announced.

Sadness washed over all of us.

"Hey, it's not our last concert! We're not gone forever, you know?", I grinned, trying to lift everyones mood again.

It seemed to work as everyone was wearing a smile again.

"She's right! Let's not get ourselves down because of that! So, for the final song... We're gonna say goodbye with 'Finale'!"

The crowd escalated and we ourselves were excited, too.
It was one of my favorite songs and I was really happy to be finally one of them.

"kitto kono sekai wa koyoi kagiri no otogibanashi sa gurasu ni sosoita hitokuchi demo yowasete shimau you na scandal!"

Dancing and smiling, we finished the song, bid our farewells and, all together, left the stage.


"That was fun! I'm already excited for the next concert!", un:c beamed backstage.

"It was. I am, too. Ah, that reminds me Can I quickly grab myself some merch before we drive home?"

"You want to get your own merch?", Araki asked, confused.

"No, I want to get your merch. I've got literally nothing and I'm still a huge fan so leave me alone alright."



Home again, I threw myself onto my sofa after grabbing snacks and something to drink and turned on the TV.
I was definitely going to enjoy the rest of my day and relax!

... Then I heard the door bell ring.

'Please don't let it be kids, please don't let it be kids...', I prayed, getting up with a sigh and opening the door.

"What is it- Oh, hey guys, what are you doing here?"

Right in front of me were standing all XYZ members I just had a concert with, carrying snacks, drinks and - of course - alcohol.

"We've decided to pay you a visit since you were going to spend the day alone. Why don't we watch some movies together?"

I was surprised at luz' idea but didn't have any reason to complain or reject them, so I scooted over a bit and let them in.

Entering the living room, everyone searched for a place to sit down while I put on a film and discarted the food and beverages.
I turned around to sit down after I finished and saw that there was space between nqrse and Shoose so I took a seat between them.
Due to everyone sitting on the sofa, I was squeezed from both sides, cutting of my lungs slowly.

"G-guys... You're really close, I can't breathe-"

"She's right, it's really narrow here... But worry not, I have an idea!"

We all turned to look at Mafu as he introduced us to his "awesome" idea.

"Why don't we go trick or treating!?"



Nobody had something to say, so, in the end, we went trick or treating.
We wore our outfits from the concert so that point wasn't the problem.
But who goes trick or treating with 10 people!?

Every house we knocked at had at least one person who recognized us or gave us compliments on our 'professional costumes'. 

We got a lot of candies and told some horror stories along the way, scaring and laughing at each other.
In the late evening, we searched for a place that was still open and landed at a karaoke bar.
Screaming our hearts out, we ate our candies and celebrated the last hours of this holiday.

What a way to spend Halloween.


This is it, the last oneshot for Promptober and this month!
As I already said yesterday, it was really fun writing everyday (as well as exhausting) and I'm glad that I was able to put many of your requests in!

Requests are always open, as ususal, so please don't hesitate to make suggestions for stories!

Happy Halloween!! 🎃

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