💕 Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明 💕

249 9 6

Thursday, 13rd February.

"Uhm, boss...? Would you be so inclined as to let me stay at home tomorrow...?"

"Are you insane!? Then we'd had to close the shop! You're the only one working tomorrow, so bring your ass here on time! Go make out with your boyfriend afterwards!"

"B-But I don't-"

"No buts! Now go work!"

"Yes, Sir..."

With a heavy sigh I took my place behind the counter and began counting the money left in our storage.

It's not that I wanted the day off to meet up with my boyfriend.
I don't even have one.
No, the problem was something entirely different...

"OH MY GOD, BABE! Do you see these flowers!? I'll be so pissed if you don't get them for me tomorrow!!"

"Haha, of course, babe. Anything for you."

I felt my breakfast rise up from my stomach when I saw a young couple making out in our shop.

Oh, Valentine's Day, the day for couples to brag about their relationship and show everyone how much they love each other.

I, on the other hand, would prefer to just oversleep the whole day and avoid anything connected to romance.

"Excuse me, Miss? Tomorrow's Valentine's Day and I still need something for my girlfriend... Could you help me?"

"I'll be right there..."


When I left my apartment the next day after four cups of coffee, I immediately wished I could have turned aroud again.

My apartment complex has been decorated with pink and red heart-shaped balloons garlands and even lanterns.

The sight alone disgusted me.

"Ah, (Y/N)-san! Happy Valentine's Day!!"

"Yeah, you too, haha..."

I gave my neighbour a light nod before dashing off.

'Anywhere is better than here...'


I was heavily wrong.

"(Y/N), darling, the shop is all yours now. Please, drop that frown and put on a smile, just for today."

"... Sure.", I forced a smile onto my lips, my chef satisfied.

He left, running off to get his wife a last-minute present, and left me all alone.

I hieved yet another sigh and got to work.

"Heeeyy, pretty lady! Already got someone to be ya Valentine's?"

"No, and I'll gladly decline every offer I should get."

"Aw, come on! You're no fun!"

"This is a flower shop, Sir. Either you buy flowers or I have to kindly ask you to leave."


The man stormed off, enraged, leaving the door open behind him.

I sighed yet again, closing the door and greeting the new costumers with a fake smile.


That's how the day went on until it was finally closing time.

"E-Excuse me!"

"I'm sorry, but we're closed for today."

"It's really urgent! Please..."

"Hah... How can I help you?"

The young male's eyes lit up as he excitedly told me about his girlfriend.

"You know, she's really cute... And she always gives it her best at work, even though it's not her favorite job. Everytime I see her I get happy and motivated to do everything to make her the happiest girl in the world! And... I wanted to tell her with a bunch of flowers... But I'm really helpless when it comes to romantic stuff..."

Although I found lovey-dovey stuff disgusting, I had to admit that he was pretty cute and he really must have loved this girl.

"Okay, sure. These pink ones show your gratifude and respect, these red roses obviously mean love. We also have white ones symbolizing her possible purity. Which ones would you like?"

"Please, just take what you think would be good to thank a girl for existing!"

I smiled, this time without faking and picked the aforementioned flowers.

"I'm sure she'll like it."

"I hope so..."

"Well, have a nice day.", I said goodbye when he had paid but he didn't leave the shop.

He stood in front of the counter, seemingly trying to make up his mind about something.

"Is everything alright?", I patiently asked.

"Oh, y-yes! I'm just... Nervous..."

What would he be nervous about?

"So, uhm... H-Here!"


"These are for you!"

"But I thought they were for your girlfriend...?"

"I lied... I really wanted to thank you for your work here everyday and I wanted to make you smile... S-So Happy Valentine's!!"

He held out the flowers and I accepted them with a light blush.

"Th-Thank you..."

Maybe Valentine's wasn't so bad, after all.



This will also serve as Nacchiro's birthday oneshot, since I don't want to write two about him in such short time (his birthday is the 25th February)

I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

I'll be eating self-made Valentine's cookies now sniff

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