🎈 Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂

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"There's really nothing to do..."

Lying on my bed, I visited several websites in search of something to end my boredom.
As I searched, I came upon one site that looked somehow intriguing but also very interesting-

"'Treat yourself with an ordinary experience - Fold 1000 origami and be open for a surprise'...?"

Now curious I read through the whole article and immediately got up to buy paper and cardboard.


"Excuse my question, but what do you need so much cardboard for...?"

"Well... I'm just bored."


Waving goodbye I left the Konbini, bought some coffee and made my way home again.


"Okay, where do I begin...?"

I decided on star-shaped origami.
That would make a great christmas decoration, even if that whole 'surprise'-thingy didn't work.


I didn't know how many stars I folded until I fell asleep, but some weird feeling crept up inside of me when I woke up.
I felt like all that folding, in different colors even, really did change something - which I had yet to see, though.

I got up, got dressed, left my apartment and spent my day like I always did.
When I got home again I immediately sat down and continued folding.
This continued on for quite some time.

I folded up to 50 origami a day.
When I was sad, angry or depressed I spent even more time on folding.

It took about 20 days for me to finish all these stars, but when I was finally done with all of them-

... Nothing happened.
Absolutely nothing at all.

I read the article again.

'When all folding is done, voice out the wish you hold dearest to your heart.'


I thought about it for a moment, even though I already knew what my wish was...


That day, after I finished everything and voiced out my wish, nothing happened still.
I wasn't disappointed - I didn't expect anything, really.
But when one evening, at 2.38am to be precise, someone knocked at my door, I was rather surprised.

'Who could it be at this hour?', I thought, leaving my bed to answer the door.

The knocking didn't stop, though it was a soft one.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

With messy hair and tired eyes I opened the door, just to be met with eyes and hair that looked exactly like mine.

"Uhm... Sorry, could I use your bathroom...?"


I blinked, confused at the sudden request.

"S-Sorry, I should explain- Uh, my toilet somehow broke, and I really need to- Uh... So, I could I please use yours for a second?"

"... Pfft."


He looked at me, a question mark clearly visible above his head, while I just crouched down, laughing.

"S-Sorry, but that's just too cute! I didn't expect someone like you to be knocking at 2am, that was really surpri- Wait a moment..."

'A surprise...?'

I thought of the origami and my wish-

Someone to be there for me.
A friend, someone who loves me.

My eyes widened at the sudden realization.
Was this site actually real!?

"Now that you say it it sounds really weird... Guess I'll go and-"

"No, no! You can use it! Please, feel free to!"

Slightly taken aback, he nodded in silence and entered my apartment.


When he got back from 'doing his business' I invited him to come drink something and have a little talk, which he immediately accepted.

"I didn't know you lived here."

"Not for long. And I just couldn't correctly install my toilet for some reason, so it keeps breaking..."

"My friend can take a look at it if you want. For free, of course. Neighbour service.", I smiled.

"That would be great, thanks!"

"Anytime. And... What's your name? How old are you?"

"I'm Sakata and 27 years old! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm (Y/N), also 27..."

It's amazing.
We're even the same age.
I can't believe this page was for real...
I didn't fold the cardboard for nothing, after all.

"Okay, this might sound really crazy, but- I think we're soulmates."

"Eh? Wh-What do you mean?"

"Listen, I found this page online and it said my wish would get granted if I fold 1000 origami. And when I did so you showed up at my door! I'm not crazy, I just... I-I think you're really cute, and that it might be fate that we met..."

"... What's the name of the side?"

"E-Eh? Why are you asking?"

"... It might really be fate that we met, after all."


Happy birthday 🎈to our little 🎊cinnamon roll 🎁 ahhhhhh 🎂sksndksmslsm 💕
Oh dear Lord protect him

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