🍂🎃 [23rd] Eve//いぶ 🍂🎃

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"Why are you angry at me now!? You're at fault here!"

"If you would stop treating my like a goddamn wall none of this would've ever happened! You know what? ... I'm going abroad for a few years. To study."

"What? You're... You're joking, right? What the hell do you want to study abroad!?"

"Art. I'll study art. I don't care what you say anymore. I'll just leave, then you won't have to deal with my shit anymore."

With these words being thrown at him (Y/N) left without saying anything further, packed her stuff and took the next plane to (F/C).


After years and years of studying, (Y/N) finally achieved her goal-
She was now a famous animation artist, illustrating for world-famous singers and smaller ones alike.
Her main focus however were vocaloid or utaite illustrations.

What she didn't know-
Eve has been working hard to enter the previous mentioned occupation, searching for any way to find (Y/N) again.

So he chose to become famous.
That was the easiest way to reach out to her.

He wrote albums which got bought a million times, but that didn't make him any happier.
He wanted to see her again.
He needed to see her again.

One day, as (Y/N) was working on a new illustration, her manager called her all of a sudden, surprising her with a new job.

"The famous utaite Eve needs someone to draw the pictures for his new album...? What a stupid name..."

Two different emotions came up upon reading that name.

Anger and sadness.

She was still angry at him over that fight they had years ago - the actual reason why she left him - but was all the while sad because, if she was honest - she missed him.

A lot.

With a sigh, she accepted his request and continued drawing.


'Unkown', as (Y/N) calls herself, has been become the official artist of Eve after some months.
He loved her artwork and she loved the ideas he gave her.
Though they never meant, they felt like they got along pretty well - at least through messages.
They've never spoken before, either.

But finally, after months of working together, today was the day where they would meet for the first time.
Both were excited-
They were going to meet their partner and a famous person at that, after all.

As Eve entered his studio, (Y/N) was already there, facing him with her back.
She turned around as she heard the door click and was about to introduce herself, but-

"Ah, nice to finally meet you, I'm Unknown-"

Her eyes widened in shock as she looked into these all too familiar orbs, her own starting to leak tears.
Anger, sadness and fear were coming back up again as she saw him.

"S-So you're Eve, huh? Could have guessed... You always had a nice voice!"

Sniffling, trying to hide her tears, she pretended like nothing ever happened between them.

But Eve knew.

He knew how emotionally destroyed she was at the moment and wanted to comfort her - but he know he shouldn't.
He still loved her, even after all these years.
He, too, was shocked to see her standing right in front of him.

When did she come back?
Since when was she a famous artist?
Since when was she my artist?

Question over question flowed in his head, waiting to find an answer.

"(Y/N), I... I didn't know."

That was all he could say.
Or rather- That's all he could form with words.

He knew exactly what to say.
But he couldn't bring it over his lips, no matter how hard he tried.

"Of course you didn't... I didn't either, haha... So you're famous now, huh? Congratulations!"

"Don't be like this, (Y/N)... I became a singer to come in touch with you again, and worked. I found you. My only love..."

"Wh-What? Don't be so cheesy, haha, we broke up several years ago-"

"We did not. You did. I never stopped loving you, (Y/N)."

"Y-You're kidding me-"

Her tears started flowing, coming to no end.

"You treated me like shit back then!! You paid no attention to me! I get that you were busy but you would neither talk to, nor cuddle nor do anything with me! Do you even know how I felt!? ... You don't, do you? You never did. You never understood how I felt... I tried talking to you so many times, but you never changed your attitude towards me... Even though we were together. So I gave up. I gave up and left. And now I have to meet you again? Haha. What a joke..."

"(Y/N), I...-"

"No, don't- Just- Don't say anything right now, okay? I'm really sick of it."

"... Did you consider my feelings?"


She looked up through her teary eyes, seeing him come closer.
She wanted to run away, but she knew she would have to face him eventually so she just gave in.

"I tried to. I really did. You don't know how much I love you. I tried to show you, but my words and actions never seemed to match what I imagined in my head. I wanted to cook for you, but it turned out pretty bad so I let it be. I wanted to give you chocolate on white day, but I fell asleep thinking about it and then it was too late. Everytime I wanted to tell you how much I love you I got nervous and thought 'Ah, I don't have to tell her, she knows how precious she is to me'. But apparently I was wrong..."


Suddenly all her thoughts and fears seemed irrational.
She felt stupid for not noticing sooner, for not listening to him back then.
Everything dawned on her at once - That she messed up.
It really was her fault this time.

"I-I'm so sorry, I- I never thought about it this way... I-I just thought you didn't love me and ignored me on purpose, a-and I-"


He threw his arms around her in a swift motion, pressing her head against his warm chest, trying to calm her down.

"It's fine... Now I understand why you left... But I still love you... What about you...?"


She thought about it for a moment.

"... I missed you these last years. A lot, to be honest."

"I missed you too..."

He pressed her even closer to himself, holding her waist with one hand, the other going through her hair.

"Let's go to a café and talk, okay? My treat."


Smiling, he pushed her away softly and pressed a kiss onto her forehead.
He took her hand in his as he lead her to the exit of the studio, intertwining their fingers.

"Let's go."


Don't know what to say I'm tired and hungry and have to study Latin now see you

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