🍂🎃 [1st] Shima//志麻 🍂🎃

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Hey, thanks for coming to my ted talk
Also known as one story every day through the whole 10th month of this year yey
I'm really late today but I rushed it through, so this probably won't be good I'll tell you
I asked on Twitter if I should do this and most agreed so here I go
Tomorrow's OneShot is for Senra's birthday, please enjoy!

"I can't do this. I'm scared."

It was one of those days.
Those days, where I just hoped that a car hit me randomly on the street, a falling flower pot would break my neck, a wild bear would tear me apart-

I hoped to die.

Why?, you may wonder.


I don't know either.

It was a saturday evening, rain droplets were covering my eyesight.
I looked up into the dark sky, watching the clouds go by.

Honking could be heard behind me, gradually coming closer.

I didn't care.
I wished for death.

The beautiful sound of rain hitting the ground and the loud cars and yelling from the humans around me filled my ears as I stood still, right in the center of the street.
I couldn't care less about the consequences.

Just as the car was about to roll me over, I got pushed onto the pavement and landed perfectly on both my hands, my right ear still hitting the floor, getting scratched and greasing the hard, cold, grey street with blood.

I whimpered at the pain but didn't complain.
I got up and turned around so face my 'savior', throwing them an angry glare.

I let it slide right after and walked home.


This won't do anymore.
I can't kill myself.

... So I need someone to do it for me.

I picked up the post-it in front of me, laying on my desk, hidden between some books and other sheets.

I called the number written on it, waiting for my call to be accepted.

"Hello?", was heard from the other side."

"Hello. I want you to kill me."

"... Where did you get this number?"

I didn't answer.

"... What do you need me for?"

"I want you to kill me."

"Why would you want that?"

"Because all my suicide attempts failed and I can't do this anymore. So please. You can have all my money and other belongings after I'm gone."

"Well, if you say so... But you might have to wait a few days. I have to get to know your routines and such as to secretly assault you."

"No need to assault. Just shoot me."

"M'am, this is my job and I'll do it however I want to do it. Either you want my help the way it is or you don't, it's simple."

"... Alright. I'll send you my adress and daily routines."

"Great. Can we meet up first though?"

"... What for?"

"I said I need to get to know you."

"That's stupid."

"If you say so. Then I'm going to hang up-"

"Wait! Alright... Meet me in an hour at the park near my apartment."

"Will do. See ya."

That's it.

I hired a hitman to kill me.

It felt like a dream come true.
I would finally be able to leave this sickening place called earth.

It disgusts me.


I sat on a bench at the park for almost an hour.
He wasn't late- I decided to get here early.

It was raining like earlier.
It did the whole day, I remember that quite well.

Lost in thoughts, I didn't notice a dark figure approaching.

"Hey. Are you the one who called?"

I looked up to see a man with violet colored hair standing in front of me.

"And if I am?"

"You didn't notice me. I could have just killed you right here and now."

"Then why didn't you?"

He looked speechless for a moment, but he came back to it quickly.

"So, what's your name?"





"What is this, a job interview?"


"Are you kidding me?"


I was getting really pissed off.
Was he doing this on purpose?

"So. Let's talk."


"God knows what."

I mentally face-palmed and, yet again, hoped to die, just to flee this awkward and idiotic situation.
Nonetheless, we did talk for quite a while.
He even brought a smile to my lips sometimes.
But that doesn't change the fact that I want him to kill me.

"So? Can you do it or not?"

His amused expression was immediately replaced by a frown.

"... If you insist."

"Good. It was nice to meet you. The next time will be the last then."

With these words, I got up and left him alone in the rain.


A few weeks had passed and nothing happened yet.
I tried to kill myself several other times, but yet again nothing seemed to work.
It was even worse than usual - I didn't even receive any injuries or got yelled at.
It was as if something was protecting me-
I pushed that thought aside and continued my way home.

Somewhere in a dark alley near the young girl, a dark silhouette was hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to carry out his mission.

"I'm sorry... I can't kill you.

Because I fell in love with you."


Alright, first one is done!
It's a little deep but we don't mind that do we
If you'll excuse me, I have to study for a Latin vocabulary test now

See ya tomorrow!

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