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This is an Utaite x Mekakucity Actors crossover I dreamt of
I don't know why I dreamt of this and why cookytan is in it but have fun reading
(If you don't know cookytan - He's an ASMR streamer)

Soraru was the head of a big, influential company.
(Y/N) someday came to work there, and even though many other workers were against it, she and Soraru eventually fell in love with each other and are now leading the business together.
Though you know what they say - Never be friends with your boss.
Or even worse - Fall in love with them.

One of their employees who was against their relationship was Kano Shuuya.
He hated Soraru with all his might.
He couldn't possibly let his precious (Y/N)-san be in this man's hands.

One night (Y/N) and Soraru stayed overnight at the company because they had a lot of work left, so they decided to sleep at the company-owned hotel.
Their employees thought, since they'd get more work done like this and because it sounds like fun, maybe them staying over, too, wasn't a bad idea.

So everyone got into their rooms and got ready to sleep, when suddenly the alarm goes off and noises are heard everywhere, causing a big commotion.
Before she could react (Y/N) saw Soraru vanish in front of her eyes.

"Soraru!? What is happening...?"

Kano came running into their room, asking what happened and if she's alright.

"I don't know... I blinked for a second and then he was gone...!"

"I'm glad you're save. Let's go search for him, he can't be far."

The whole staff went to search the hotel, looking everywhere possible.

"Who would kidnap him...?"

Then it hit them.

"... Cookytan."

"But for what reason so suddenly?"

"You're right. He always hated him, but why would he attack us now of all times..."

"We don't have time to think about that! He could hurt him!"

"Why don't we just leave him? You're better off without him, (Y/N)."

"Kano... I don't need that right now. Just search for him."

Still reluctant Kano and the other workers went back to search for their superior.

'Where could he have hid him...?'

(Y/N) thought of the possibility that he already escaped with her fiance.
What if she would never see him again?
The anxiety and sadness motivated her to once again search in every little corner for him, no matter how impossible it seemed.
Then it finally occured to her.

"The elevator!"

She ran over, checking the walls beside the lift.
Eventually she notices a hidden door beside the elevator, slowly pushing it open.
Inside the small, secluded room was Soraru, wrapped in tape and his mouth sealed.
(Y/N) stared at him in shock before she got him out of there, trying to walk as far away with him as possible.

"(Y/N)-chan! You found him."

"Kano, take him and run."

"What? Are you crazy!?"

"Cookytan is still somewhere in this building, probably waiting to kill us all. Please, you're the only one I can count on."

"(Y/N)... Alright. I'll do it."

He'd do anything for her.

"Thank you so much...! I'll catch up eventually, just take him somewhere far away for now."

"Your wish is my command, my lady."

The blonde grabbed the human-wrap under his arms and started running, not giving a single glance to what was happening behind him.
If (Y/N) told him to do something, that's the only thing he would focus on until she's happy.

He runs to the train station, hopping onto the next train driving by.
He had to be very careful and tightly cling onto the train to not let either Soraru or both of them fall off.
With one hand he tried to pull off the tape over Soraru's mouth, finally letting him take a deep breath.

"Kano, I... Thank you."

"I'm not doing this for you. Are you okay, though?"

"Yeah, he didn't hurt m-"

"I meant now."


"You're afraid of heights, aren't you? We're pretty high up here."


"It's fine. I got ya."

"Th-Thank you..."

There was nothing much to be said between these two.
A long silence hung over them before the younger decided to speak up again.

"You know? I don't really care about you. I'm only doing this for her. And since, y'know, you kinda mean a lot to her, I'm going to protect at all cost, so rest assured. But remember - She means the world to me. She's my precious little girl. If you ever hurt her, I'll-"

"I love her. I always did. I'd rather die than hurt her. I wish I was in her place now, fighting instead of getting protected. If you don't believe me you can drop me off right now."

"... Fine. You better keep your words."


"Why are you doing this!? How does this benefit you!?"

"I don't give a damn about what you say, little girl. I'm gonna let all of you vanish!"

Her vision blacked out.
The last thing she remembered was a loud explosion and the following dull pain in her head.


She woke up in a white room, seemingly at a hospital.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?", the nurse asked in a friendly and kind manner.

"Excuse me. Have you heard of Soraru, Kano or cookytan?"

"... Well, the other patients who got taken to this hospital after the incident asked me the same. Should I call the police? Was this 'cookytan' the man who caused the incident?"

The girl pondered for a moment.
Was it safe to involve a normal hospital and the normal police in a case like this?

"I'm not sure..."

"I might add that we are a hospital for... 'Special cases' like yours. So if that's what you're worrying about rest assured, we have our ways to deal with him."

"... Well then, please."

With a nod the nurse left and (Y/N) fell into a deep slumber again, dreaming of the day she can meet her beloved soon-to-be-husband again.


Yes, so this was what I dreamt of one night. Don't ask.
But I started writing again, like I promised!
I'm also working on a collab and will probably start on your new requests tomorrow, so look forward to it!

Hope you enjoyed this... Somewhat different oneshot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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