🎈 nqrse//なるせ 🎂

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Hey, I love your stories! Just wanted to say that lol

nqrse's hoe:
Thanks lol

Is nqrse your favorite, too?

nqrse's hoe:
Does my name imply that?
Nah lol
I prefer Araki honestly

I see www

I put my phone away after enjoying a small conversation with my favorite author and took a bath. 

After that I resumed reading my favorite fanfiction of nqrse - my favorite Utaite.

"... And she ended up falling into his arms, hugged in a tight embrace. He came closer, his breath tickling her skin, and he gently pressed his lips to her forehead.
She blushed, burrying her face in his chest.
Her heart beat like crazy - her embarrassement made her stumble over her words..."

"This shit is so amazing!", I screamed out in my own small apartment.

Fangirling about everything that was happening in the story, my mood lit up and I decided to text the author again.

No shit bro, I can't stop reading your fic
You sum up nqrse's personality so well, as if you're his best friend

nqrse's hoe:
Maybe I am lol


nqrse's hoe:
What huh
Wanna fight

Hell yeah I do

nqrse's hoe:
K let's meet up

K when and where

nqrse's hoe:
Right here and now

Let's say 12 at the park

nqrse's hoe:
Which 12 and which park

12pm and Shoto park

nqrse's hoe:
Okay, fine

Okay, fine!

... That was a joke, right?


Now I was standing here, at the entrance of the Shoto park, wondering if I should really have come here.
Wasn't it just a joke?
Where were we even supposed to meet up?
This park is huge!

Suddenly my eyes spotted a familiar figure.
It was a male my age, shoulder-length hair, pink highlights.

"Wh-What is nqrse doing here!?"

As he caught me staring at him he walked up to me, smiling.

"Hey. So, you wanna fight?"

"Wha- H-How did you know-?"

"You told me, right? Here."

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