🍥🎉 nqrse's harem (?) //なるせのハレム 🍥🎉

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"Attention, class. Starting today you'll have a new classmate. His name is nqrse, get along well with him, please."

When the short male stepped into the room, a murmur went through the students.

"Be quiet! nqrse, if you would please take a seat in the last row at the window."

With a slight nod the pink-haired male made his way towards his new seat, passing by his new classmates- which were all staring at him.

It might not have seemed like it, but especially his fellow males were laying their eyes upon them.
Some would think 'He looks so cool!' while others thought he looked 'unbearable cute'.

The first lesson ended without any incidents and the pink-haired was about to leave the room when two slightly taller males approached him.

"Hello, nice to meet you, nqrse! I'm Natsushiro Takaaki! And this one beside me is Eve! Would you like us to show you around the school?"

At first he didn't intend to talk to the other students or, what he least expected, make any friends.
He was a transfer student, of those who mostly get left behind by others and end up living their high school days alone.
Not that it bothered him, though.


Nevertheless he agreed to the blonde's suggestion and let him be lead around the school grounds.


"I hope this school is to your suiting! It's a bit chaotic, especially our class, but we're all really good friends, I bet you'll be buddies with all of us soon!"

A smile formed on nqrse's face.

Natsushiro was a nice dude.

"Yeah, thanks for showing me around."

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask us, though the others would gladly help you, too.", Eve commented.

Nodding, the smallest waved goodbye and made his way to his next class.


A few weeks passed and nqrse got used to his life at the new school.
Everyone was being nice to him and Natsushiro was right- He did make a lot of friends.
He discovered they all had about the same hobbies, making it even easier for them to get along.
But since a few days ago, he noticed, something was different...

"You look really hot today."


It wasn't the first time he was greeted like this.
No, on the contrary- It has almost become a habit.

"Oh, nqrse! Your hair looks perfect today, like always."

Shoose, too.
They all would suddenly make him compliments, or-

"Hey, shorty, are you free after school~?"

... -Or even flirt with him.

He wondered what happened, what flipped the switch for all this.
But, if he were to be honest...

He didn't mind.
Not at all.

Not at all did he mind the affection the others were showing him, the presents they gave him.
The time they were spending with him, all because they-
Yes, why even?

He couldn't answer that question.

"Let's hang out after school, nqrse-chan~"

"Sin-san, sorry to tell you, but he's already meeting up with me.", luz bugged in.

"What's going on here?", Araki questioned when he entered the classroom.

"Leave him alone, he's not your toy."


The tall male stood in front on the pink-haired, as if he was protecting him.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you all?"

They looked at each other and thought about before simultaneously saying:

"We love him."


nqrse stood, shocked.

"Are you serious!? All of you!?"

They nodded.

"What about you, Araki-san? You can't tell us you don't have any feelings for him."


He turned around, looking into a pair of glistening pink eyes that stared at him.


"I... I do. I do have feelings for him. But I'm not forcing them onto him. If he wants to spend time with me, I'm happy, if not, then it's his decision."


His words made the younger ponder.
Was the redhead different from the others?
Did he really care about him?
What were his own feelings telling him?

A thousand questions were wandering his mind while the others debatted over him like he was a prize they could win.

"Quiet.", he said, looking onto the floor, his hands clenched tightly.

"All you do is bugging me... Did you... Did you for once think about how I feel...?"

Tears were starting to roll down his cheeks as he mumbled.
The others looked at him in shock.

"I love you all! I really do! And I'm happy that you love me, too! But I want to be respected... As the human being I am. And I... I think..."

The youngest looked up at the elder redhead, a smile finding its way to both their lips.

"I think he understands me. I think I... I think I can be truly happy with him. And if you, guys, want me to be happy, then please accept that. You're all still my close friends and I still love you all from the bottom of my heart, but... I think Araki is the right one."

"nqrse, I..."

He turned around, pulling the shorter male into a tight embrace.

"I promise I'll make you happy, I promise I'll forever treat you with respect. I... I love you, hehe.", he confessed, scratching his neck.

"I love you too, you idiot.", the younger snapped back, hitting his chest lightly.

The males around them stood, watching, trying to process what just happened.
When they did, though, they all started smiling and congratulation the two of them on their new-born relationship and wished them all the best.

And that's how nqrse's exciting high school life ended, in love and friendship.
May his next years also be filled with love.


Congratulations to nqrse for his 7th anniversary as an Utaite!! 🎉
I didn't intend to use that oneshot for it to be honest, but I didn't know it would be his anniversary today, so I'm really sorry I couldn't do anything better for him;;
I hope you still enjoyed! 🍥

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