🍂🎃 [22nd] Rib//りぶ 🍂🎃

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"I really don't get it... I really don't! I hate this..."

I felt hot water droplet slowly running over my already heated cheeks.

I felt frustrated.

"It's okay... We're going through this step by step so you understand, okay?", he smiled at me from the opposite side of the table, calming me down for a moment.

I let out quiet sigh.
I really didn't want to bother him, but what other choices did I have?
I could never study on my own, so I had to rely on him.

He seemed to notice my pained expression because he got up, went to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with two steaming cups of hot chocolates.

Marshmallows on top.

"You're the best, really... I love that you're so patient..."

"Well, I-"

Just as he was about to say something we were embraced by sudden darkness.

Power blackout.

"Wh-What happened?"

"It seems like the power went out..."

Holding my cup of chocolate tighter to my chest, I curled up slightly to feel safer in this new situation.
Though it seemed like one would get lost in the dark, Rib easily made his way over to my crouching form and lay a blanket over me.

"I guess we'll take a break from studying?"

I couldn't see it, but his tone of voice revealed that he was wearing a slight smirk on his - not too bad looking - features.

Smiling, I put the cup down onto the table and cuddled myself up in the blanket even tighter.

"Thank you. For everything so far and everything that's going to come."

"Don't be so dramatic all of a sudden. Just because the lights are out, geez."

I chuckled, knowing he was joking to lighten up my mood.

My grades were falling, everything that could seemed to go wrong and my life was an entire mess.
I was lost and needed help.


And that's where he comes in.

We're classmates, but someday he came up to me and just casually asked to hang out.
I was really surprised.
Who would ask a stranger to hang out?
But I've always admired him, so I easily agreed, earning a shocked look from my friends.

The days we spent together after that resulted in me falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
We've grown to be good friends, and somehow he ended up finding out about my grades - after I tried with all my might to hide them from him - and offered his help to get them up again.
I was really happy at that time and still am, but the truth is-
I can concentrate even less with him being around.
But I decided to simply enjoy these study sessions that we spend together and make the best out of it - Even if I'll still fail.

"So... What now?"

"I have an idea, but you won't like it...", he whispered, almost not audible to my ears but I still catched it.

"What is it? Why wouldn't I like it?"


He searched for the right words to explain it but decided it was better to just drop it.

"No, don't worry, it's really nothing."

"But I wanna know now! You can't say I won't like it if you don't even ask me!"

"Well, that's true, but... I can't tell you."


"Because! And now let it be!"

I was taken aback by his unusual loud tone, shrieking back and pulling the blanket about me even further.

"I- Sorry, I... I didn't want to shout at you, it's just...", he sighed.

"I also feel frustrated, okay?"

He indicated to sit down beside me, to which I shuffled over a bit to make space for him.

"Thanks. I... Okay, listen- No, wait, I shouldn't say this. But- No, no, no. I won't say. Not now, not here. But it's a good occasion... But-"

"Rib! Calm down!"

I threw half the blanket over him, making him widen his eyes in surprise.

"Uh, sorry. But I don't need the blanket, you can take it-"

"I'm warmer if we share it."

He was even more surprised now but he calmed down eventually, coming a little closer and pulling the blanket comfortably over us.

"So like that, right?"

I could feel his hot breath against my skin, sending pleasurable shivers down my spine.

"Yes, exactly like that."

We stayed like this for awhile.
Be it in silence or while talking, I enjoyed his presence and the warmth of his skin against mine and he seemed to feel the same.

As I tried to move my head to the side I caught his silhouette staring at me and instinctively backed away.

"O-Oh, uhm... Is there something on my face...?"

"Nothing except for your beauty... I-I mean, i-it's pretty dark in here, but-"

I felt my cheeks blush a thousand shades of red as I processed his words.


"Hey, maybe I do have to tell you something... But I don't know how to say it. Can I show you?"


I heard and felt him shuffling beside me as my gaze was focused on him and the next thing I knew, his soft lips have found their way onto mine and were pressing lightly against them.

I thought I was dreaming when his tender hands went up to cup my reddened cheeks, my arms snaking around his neck, pulling him closer.

That went on for a few minutes before we needed to part for breath.

"I guess I don't have to ask you how you feel about me, then.", he grinned just as the lights turned on again.

"Oh-", we gasped in sync, immediately getting up and creating a safe distance between us.

"Well, yes...", I blushed with a smile, happy that crush was now returned.

"I love you, (Y/N). Even though you can be pretty stupid sometimes."

"Hey, that's mean!"

I punched him playfully and we laughed through the evening.

I might have failed my test but I was happy now, and that's what matters.


School is killing me

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