🎈 Nanamori//ななもり。🎂

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When I woke up this morning I was sure it would end up being a day like any other.
Getting up, getting ready, going to school, suffering the seemingly never-ending heat of the day while pretending that I listen to what my teacher says.
If I had known it wouldn't be anything like that - I still wouldn't have changed anything.


I stood up. Got dressed. Had breakfast. Left the house.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
I went to school like usual, greeting the same people as always.

'It's going to be a day like any other...', is what I thought.

Stepping into my classroom I went about as usual, taking my seat and hearing my classmates whisper about how I don't fit in.
I didn't mind, as long as they left me alone.
But I also knew that, through the rumours spreading about me, he surely couldn't stand me, either.
He was too kind to show it, but I'm positive he wouldn't want to spend even a second of his precious time with me.

And so my day went on, nothing more happening.
Like I thought, a simple day as usual.

When school ended I packed up my stuff and strolled down the hallways, reaching my locker.
Lost in thoughts - imagining that I'm already home, lying in bed - I suddenly realized that my shoes were missing.


I searched everywhere.
In my bag, around the lockers, in the trash bins.
They were nowhere to be found.
I sighed.

"Guess I'll go home barefoot..."


"Ouch, ouch, ouch...! I stepped on a stone..."

"Hey, are you okay?"

I jumped upon hearing an all-too-familiar voice.

"Y-Yeah... I just stepped on a stone and my feet hurt..."

"Why are you walking home barefooted?"


I didn't want to tell him.
It was obviously one of the girls in my class must have stolen my shoes.
He shouldn't think bad of them just because they did this to me.
If he would even believe me, that is.

"I just... Kinda lost my shoes? Haha..."

"... 'Lost'? I doubt you can lose your shoes, (Y/N)-san. Please, tell me what really happened?"


"... Jump on my back first, we can talk about that later."


"I'll carry you home. I can't let you walk like that."

"I can just buy new shoes!"

"How would you get to the store? And do you even have enough money?"


He was right.
I didn't have a single dollar on me.

"Just let me do this for you. Please?"

If he looks at me with these worrying eyes I couldn't possibly say no...
But why is he even offering his help?

"... Do you know who I am?"

"Second year, (L/N) (Y/N)-san, right?"

"Y-Yeah, but I mean-"

"The rumours about you? As far as I know you're a kind and respectful person, I don't listen to rumours. It might be true that you don't interact with your classmates, but you have never once done something wrong. So why should you be a bad person?"

"N-Nanamori-san, I-"

"Come on, let me get you home.", he smiled, crouching down so I could climb onto his back.

This is exactly the man I fell in love with.
He sees me for who I am, he doesn't judge by what people say.
He's so kind and understanding it's almost frustrating.
He always puts others first, is he ever thinking about himself?
I'll have to properly thank him for his help.

"Hold in tight, okay? I'm not sure I could catch you in time if you fall."

"Hahaha! Okay, I'll make sure not to fall!"

Again, only thinking of others.
He couldn't care less if I fell, but he's still worrying.
I don't deserve his concern...

"... It's the first time I heard you laugh. You always look so indifferent at school."


"No, I like that only I got to see it. It's cute."


A critical hit!
Will (Y/N)'s heart survive that!?


"So? It were the girls in your class, right?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Come on, I'm trying to help you. Where do you live, by the way?"

I chuckled about his cluelessness.
He carried me even though he doesn't know where I live?

"Actually... I live a street across from you.", I sweat-dropped.

"Really!? How come I never saw you?"


I can't possibly tell him that I've been avoiding him on purpose so the other students don't mock him for spending time with me.

"I guess we just went to school at different times? Haha..."

"Let's go together from now on, then."

"I'm sorry... I can't."

I tried to jump down from him to run away from this conversation but he tightened his grip on my legs.

"Why are you running away from me? Did I do something? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, that wasn't my intention... I just want to spend more time with you and get to know you better..."

That broke the wall inside of me.
I couldn't bear seeing him apologize to someone like me because of something I did.
He wasn't at fault at all!

"No, I'm sorry! You didn't do anything from! If anything it's the opposite! You're way too nice... I don't deserve to spend time with something like you..."


I gulped nervously when he said my name.
His head turned to look at me, his lips curving into a smile.

"There's nothing you have to be afraid of. 'If you're seen with me they could spread rumours about you, too', right? I don't mind. If that's what it takes to stay by your side then I'll gladly have them talk behind my back about me."

"Nanamori-san... You really don't have to-"

"It's not 'I have to', it's 'I want to'. I want to be by your side and support you. You're not alone, okay? Just rely on me."

His beautiful smile that glistened in the slowly disappearing sunlight let my heart beat twice as fast.
It was a magical moment that turned my whole life around.
I wasn't alone anymore.
The person, who I wanted to catch me from falling deeper down this hole, actually talked to me.

He carried me home after that, promised me to make the girls give back my shoes or buy me new ones, not accepting a no from me.
I nodded with a sweat-drop and waved him goodbye as he crossed the street and went home.

Truly, if I had known before that this day wasn't going to be boring as usual, I wouldn't have changed anything.


Happy birthday Mori!! ✨🎂🎈🎁🎊🎉
Thank you for being such a kind leader and always making us smile!!

Hope y'all enjoyed the oneshot~ 💕

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