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I had taken the day off school and work as I sat with my grandfather in the hospital. He had to be sent back in, his heart was failing. I had been crying all night and this was something I didn't need to happen right now.

I held my grand fathers' hand as I sat on the chair next to his bed. I didn't want to let go, scared that he was going to slip through my fingers too. I didn't know when but I had fallen asleep, until I felt someone brushing my hair back. I looked up and I see my Pop awake and I wanted to cry.

"Hi Pop." I said, trying to hold in the tears.

"Have you been in here all night?" He asked and I put on a smirk.

"We all know you need a guardian angel beside you. So, I was there best option, who knew." I said, and he chuckles lightly. I hear him wheezing and I felt my lip quiver making him put his hand on my face.

"It's going to be alright."

"I can't lose you too."

"We knew this day was coming." Pop says, still managing to smirk and I chuckle lightly.

"Yeah well you're supposed to stay around and watch me graduate at least, go off to college, get married, have children." I said, as the tears kept coming.

"I know baby, and I wish there was a way I could stop it."

"I really wish you didn't have to go."

"Who knows? I might even get better." He says, and he has a small smile on his face. We both knew he wasn't going to get better.

"You can't leave me Pops, not just yet. I won't allow it." I said, and he pulls me up letting me cry in his arms.

"I know baby, I know. And I wish I could compromise something, but on the other hand I'll get to see Patty." Pop says and I chuckled through the tears.

"Yeah? Tell her I can still smell her perfume lingering." I said, and he smiles, "You know you still suck not telling me you were sick."

"I didn't want you to worry. You had school, you have a bright future." He says and I looked at him.

"Why couldn't you just send me away to Military School?" I said, and he chuckles lightly.


I had managed to take a week off school, Cole asking me where I was but I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to see anyone. I had been crying every time my grandfather went to sleep, he hated seeing me cry.

Cora came by on her breaks and she hung around before having to go back to work. Having her with me kind of helped but thinking of my grandfather gone wasn't easy.

During the day I played games with him, I drew and I even sang some songs with him. He mostly wanted to hear me sing, he told me he missed my singing. It was coming to the end, and my grandfather was napping.

And as if on cue, I started crying. I sat outside his door, on the floor crying into my knees like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. I couldn't live without him, that I know for a fact, he was my rock.

I hear elevator doors ring and out of instinct I looked up seeing Mr Schue and the rest of the club. I stood up and they all spotted me and they walked over to me, as a tear slipped out, I wiped it.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I said, and they all gave me sad smiles.

"Quinn told us what's been going on." Kurt spoke up and I nodded.

"We missed you at practice. Your incessant jokes actually make everything fun." Rachel says and I had to laugh, the first time in a couple of days.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mr Schue asked and I breathed out slowly.

"Uh well considering he's had this for over three years now. His life expectancy is like very low, and he's strong so they're surprised he held out this long you know? He thought he was going to outlive it, which also doesn't surprise me." I said, chuckling lightly.

"And how are you doing?"

"Oh, you know me I get angry before getting upset, taking out all my anger. Probably why my knuckles are currently bandaged."

"What happened there?" Quinn says, smiling sadly at me and I gave a big smile.

"Oh you know, instead of being sent to juvie I took a crowbar to a car. It didn't feel as good but yeah, I'm fine. I've got all my tears out now. So, yeah I'm fine."

"Phoenix, it's okay." Mr Schue says and I looked at him, tears welling up.

"I know it is, I-I do. Cause you know, he helped raise me with my mum before she you know died too. Looked after me when my deadbeat of an addict father couldn't, right?" I said, my lip quivering.

"Phoenix -,"

"He's got roughly a month-less, how much does that suck. I keep telling myself it's not real, because if it is, I'm screwed." I said, laughing as the tears fall out.

After laughing, I see them all staring at me and I broke down. Quinn being the first one to reach me, I cried into her arms with everything I got. I felt everyone else hugging me, and I felt their love.

I pulled away from them and I see Puck standing there, making me cry even more. He comes up to me wrapping me in his arms and I let myself go. I feel him kiss my head and whisper in my ear making me let it all out.

After crying it all out, I was sitting with Puck beside my grandfathers bed. I was staring at him, and I felt Puck intertwine our hands together. I smiled at him, giving him a nod before I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Cole keeps asking about you." Puck starts and I snickered.

"Yeah well our relationship wasn't at all booming, so I broke up with him." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm sorry."

"My mum got her passion for song writing and music from my pops. Said he used to be in a band." I said, smiling softly thinking about memories.

"Was he any good?" Puck asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah, he's got a killer voice. Probably passed on down to us, thank god." I said, staring at my Pops, "He was the one who taught me how to play basically any instrument."

"I didn't know you played."

"Guess you don't know a lot about me then you thought huh, Puckerman?"

"Always keeping me on my toes Simmons." He says making me lightly chuckle. I feel him kiss my head and I closed my eyes in his touch.

"To see the day Phoenix here would bring a boy home?" I hear and I opened my eyes to see Pop looking at us.

"Hi Mr Simmons, I'm Noah Puckerman." Puck says, shaking hands with him and my Pop smirks.

"Trust me, I know who you are. I've seen her notebook." Pop says and I gasped, hitting him playfully.

"Pop!" I said, and he smiles at me.

"What? You left it open one day and I saw his face in there, my bad for wanting to see what you're doing all the time." Pop says and I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"I knew she was in love with me." Puck says and I scoffed playfully before flicking his head.

"Other way around boy." I said, and Puck gives me a slight wink.

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