Lost Boy/ Troubled Boy

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This is a flashback not for the faint of heart. Uh... yea so who is your bias?

How long had that been there? Was it still edible? Little Jimin thought as he sifted through some rubbish near a restaurant. He brought the stale bread to his nose, breathing in deeply. His stomach grumbled in approval, so he bit into it not thinking about the germs that could be lurking.

"Oh! Maybe mommy will want some." He exclaimed scurrying along the side of the building towards their little home. His mom had been motionless for days, her breathing slowing day by day. Leaving a 4 year old Jimin to fend for himself. 

When he crawled into the box his mother's mouth was agape, and a rat was sitting on her chest. Jimin was terrified he didn't quite understand why his mother wasn't trying to get it off of her, or why the rodent looked like it wanted to attack if he got any closer. 

Jimin screamed at the vermin, but all it did was cause it's hair to stand up, and its claws to dig deep into the body it was trying to claim. Jimin screamed again and again, until his little frame was consumed with grief and a want to be held by his mother again. 

"Hey little guy…" called a soothing voice from outside the cardboard box. Jimin sniffled peeking out to see who had spoken to him. A man in a uniform was looking at him with kind eyes and disarming smile. 

"Are you okay buddy?" the kind man asked. Jimin shook his head violently tears crashing down to the ground. The man's face saddened as he took in the whole picture. A woman lay covered by rags, her hair tangled, skin covered in grime and dirt. She was riddled with bite marks, and a smell of decay starting to invade the small space in which she laid. His heart broke for the kid, wondering just how long he had been out here. 

"Mommy won't wake up...she needs to eat.." he cried holding up a dirty piece of bread. This only confirms what the restaurant owner had told him. The owner had said a little boy in dirty clothes with no shoes was rummaging through his trash making a mess. He was an insensitive soul, and called the cops to have him arrested. Really asshole? He is a child, he doesn't know any better. 

"Buddy my name is Officer Kim. Would you like to come with me to get something hot to eat, and a warm place to sleep?" 

Jimin was scared he didn't want to leave his mommy. She needed him, how would she eat, her legs were badly mangled from the bad man who attacked her when he had gone off to go potty several days ago. She needed him. Hot tears fell again as he wiped his nose with his tiny fist. "Mommy needs me." He murmured trying to get closer to her. But, the rat jumped at him hissing viciously. 

Officer Kim frowned watching the rat, and the boy's attempt to just be near the deceased woman. He pulled out his baton slinging out to the side to extend it smacking the rat knocking it into the dumpster near by. The boy looked up at him with wide eyes a small smile crept onto his delicate face. He fell onto his mother's chest. His ear pressed against it, looking up at the top of the box he listened. His smile faltering when he looked over at Officer Kim. 

Jimin fell away from his mother's body. The pitter patter.. pitter patter… stop. Was gone. Mommy was gone. His eyes darted from side to side as he began to panic. He started shaking all over rocking back and forth hugging his knees. "Mommy…" his tiny voice broke as sobs took over. That's when a pair of warm arms embraced him, pulling him quickly from the box. 

As Officer Kim walked quickly away from the alleyway, the boys tiny hands reached over his shoulder crying out for a mother that had been gone. 

10 years later.

"Dad!" Jimin whined as they walked through the store. His dad picking up random vegetables and inspecting them before adding another to the cart. 

"The answer is no… End of discussion." He told him firmly, tossing a bag of rice in the cart. Jimin huffed folding his arms. Seconds later receiving a smack on the back of his head from his older brother Namjoon. "Quit being a drama queen." He teased. Jimin curled his nose up at him, sticking his tongue out.  Namjoon laughed. 

"What'd you do this time anyway?" Namjoon asked laying his arm across the younger boys shoulder. 

"It wasn't me." he groaned dropping his arms to his side letting them hang loosely. 

It had been ten years since Officer Kim had taken little Jimin from that awful situation, and he never regretted it. His wife was more than happy to have the boy stay with them. After properly checking all legalities it entailed. They adopted him when he turned five years old. 

He was happy enough with his new family, and they loved him dearly. Although he seemed to find trouble anywhere he went. There were days where they would sit in front of a principle being told their son decided to drop his pants in the hallway. But, when questioned he said he was pantsed. Funny thing about that, no one was near him. He'd go a few months after his punishments, yet another trouble finding him. 

He had been accused of setting a man's garden on fire. However, when he was searched, they found no fire source on him. Jimin was framed for that one regardless, and the raven haired boy ran free. The punishment for this one was more severe. The man demanded his garden be compensated. Landing Jimin with community service, working off the debt to the man by fixing the garden. 

"Mr. Lui, I'm finished for the day." Jimin called through the screen door, to the elderly man sitting in his recliner. He just grunted flicking through the channels of static on his television.

What a weird man he thought as he beat feet towards his house. A pair of eyes watching his every move. Little hair stood up on the back of Jimin's neck as he rounded the block towards his house. Picking up his pace he slammed hard into a pole being knocked out cold.

When he woke up he was sitting propped up on his front porch. What the hell? He thought vaguely remembering being dragged by someone. His back stung from the road rash, that was the only reason he remembered. But who did it? He scratched his head looking all around. Overly creeped out he got up ran inside. 

"What happen to your face Jimin!?!!" His mother exclaimed grabbing his cheeks turning his face from side to side. 


She scowled at him narrowing her eyes as she pinched his nose and twisted. His stomach turned from the pain. Nausea washing over him as his face paled and warm blood gushed from his nose. His mother quickly grabbed a towel pressing it to his nose carefully, ushering him to the couch to sit down. 

"Who did this to you?" She demanded worrying over him, checking for other injuries. She sucked in air when she saw his back.

"Jesus Jimin!" She got up and left. He felt like he was choking from the blood dripping down his throat. No one did this to him. He ran into a pole because he wasn't paying attention. But, would she believe him? No…

Most of the things he got in trouble for could be chocked up to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or saying the wrong thing. That happened a lot actually. The boy had no filter.

"Ran into a pole because I got scared." He said embarrassed. 

She shook her head, cleaning his back of debris. After placing a bandage on it she kissed the top of his head.

"Be more careful, yea?" 

He nodded. 

Dad would never let him go to the concert now. Fucking Agust D was playing in a week and he had tickets. Don't ask how he got them. Just know he had them, and no one would stop him. Except… well maybe his dad. 

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