Go Fuck Yourself

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Taehyung gave Jimin permission to go to the mall. After the incident with the letter he had backed off with his punishments for the tiniest of things. Although he was still upset about that Jimin could see. The way his shoulders tensed, and his breathing became ragged as he read over the letter again and again in the office. He seemed to be torturing himself. Jimin felt bad for him... but he wasn't going to pry. Not today. Perhaps when he got back.

After a few minutes of internal contemplation Jimin waved by to the brooding man at the desk, and ran for the door.

Namjoon waited by the sleek black Mercedes in a university hoodie and khaki shorts. He smirked when he saw his younger brother skip out the door all happy. It had been a while since he had left the house. So, he hoped that nothing would go awry while they were out.

"Let's go find trouble." Jimin smiled as he jumped in the front seat.

"Let's not..." Namjoon warned shooting a wary glance towards the window. There Taehyung stood with his face cast in shadows, his arms crossed.

Ducking into the driver's seat, he quickly put it in gear, and sped out the driveway throwing up gravel. That man made his skin crawl sometimes.

"How do you deal?" He asked his brother.

Jimin shrugged, "he's not all bad... I think he is misunderstood."

"So...you love him then?"

"I wouldn't say that. But..."


"He can be sweet..." Jimin said thoughtfully as he gazed out the window at the fluffy clouds above.

"He's a monster..."

"Well... maybe he is a beast. Perhaps I could be his beauty..."

"Just be careful..." Namjoon cautioned. He didn't like how Jimin was talking. Especially the whole Disney reference.

They rode the rest of the way in silence, aside from the quiet drone of the radio. The tall building with advertisements came into view after a while, and Jimin danced excitedly in his seat. He was like a child seeing Disney for the first time. It was an adorable sight to behold. His eyes disappearing into tiny crescents, his hands clasping together.

"Joonie I'm so excited!"

Namjoon smiled pulling into a spot near the entrance. The mall didn't seem very busy today. There were people scattered about talking amongst themselves sipping coffees. Others were browsing in clothing shops. But, not nearly as crowded.

That didn't bother Jimin. He was just to damn happy to be away from his puppet master. He locked him away for Months after the Hoseok incident. Even crushed his phone, which he has yet to replace.

"Where to Chim?" Namjoon asked as he shrugged off his hoodie.
Jimin looked around for a second, perking up when he found what he was looking for.

He skipped away towards a tiny cookie stand.

"Oooo....this one has marshmellows!!.. Ooh...ooh.."

He clapped his hands then tapped the glass.

"That one! Please!!"

The lady smiled at his excitement, picking up a dark chocolate chip marble cookie. Placing it in a napkin she handed it to him over the counter.

"Here Sweetheart." She smiled sweetly. Namjoon handed her some money, and the two men walked away.

"I'd recognize that ass anywhere." A silky smooth voice chimed from a corner store. He stepped out, his hair swooped to the side, and dark gray Dior suit enhancing his features. He was handsome to say the least. Definitely not someone Jimin wanted to see. He gulped and hid behind Namjoon as Hoseok approached them.

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