I'll play for you

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Months had gone by since Jimin had walked out of the office, leaving to very confused men in his wake. He felt liberated somehow. After years of not being able to control what happened to him, he finally had full control.

He moved in with Namjoon and his boyfriend Jin who was an amazing cook, a bit full of himself at times. However, he could see how much Namjoon loved the guy. Which made Jimin so happy.

"What do you plan to do today?" Namjoon asked, while taking a huge bite out of his waffle causing syrup to dribble down his chin. Jin fussed over him for a split second then turned with his chin on his fists to wait for Jimin's answer. Jimin smiled happily, his mind was already at the beach basking in the summer sun.

"I'm going to go to the beach."

Both men smiled at him. Jin got up from the table busying himself with the dishes while Namjoon scarfed the rest of his waffles down before helping his boyfriend dry them. Jimin finished his waffles soon after, getting up to go get ready. When he got to his room, a message came through on his phone.


Picking up his phone he read them message. His heart leapt into his throat. It was Taehyung.

The man hadn't spoke to him since he left... Why was he messaging him now?

Taehyung: I miss you.

Jimin rolled his eyes. Granted he did in some ways miss Taehyung. But no matter how much he missed that man he would never go back. He deserved to be treated as a person not as someone's possession. Tossing his phone on the bed he pulled off his night shirt. Then went to the closet to grab his swim shorts and a big t shirt.

Looking himself over in the mirror he grabbed his bag and sunglasses, walking happily down the hallway, then out into the busy streets. It was a beautiful day, the sky was clear, it wasn't too hot. It was going to be an amazing day. Luckily, they only lived a few blocks from the nearest beach. So walking was an option and Jimin enjoyed the fresh air so much.

Kicking the rocks along the sidewalk he smiled. No one could tell him he wasn't allowed to do that, or reprimand him for it.

"HEY!! Watch it!" A grumpy voice yelled. Jimin looked up from his game of soccer with the rocks to an angry looking man. He was rather pale with a black bucket hat on, a black shirt, and skintight black pants. Why would you wear so much black? Don't get Jimin wrong the grumpy man looked good wearing it, but still.

"sorry..." Jimin bowed his head moving past him toward the street that lead towards the beach front. Oddly enough, he soon felt as if though he was being followed. He broke out into a run, the memories of the man in the woods washing over him as his feet pounded the concrete.

"HEY WAIT!!!" that voice was familiar. Jimin slowed to a stop turning to see the same man from before, looking more startled than grumpy.

"Did I kick dust up this time?" Jimin asked confused. The man laughed, displaying a cute gummy smile as he shook his head.

"No, not at all... You dropped your sunglasses." He said holding up Jimin's glasses. Jimin felt his cheeks heat up from embarrassment walking slowly up to the man to get them.

"Thank you."

"No problem." The man smiled at him, watching while Jimin placed them back on his head.

"What's your name?"

Jimin pursed his lips. Not really sure if he wanted to answer him. Not really having a reason not to. So he did.


"I'm Yoongi, are you going to the beach?"

"yes..." Jimin nodded.

"Mind if I join you?"


"I find you interesting and would like to get to know you. If that's okay." Yoongi shrugged, looking off towards the beach. Jimin thought about it for a split second.


This made the gummy smile take over Yoongi's face. Which was now Jimin's favorite thing about him. They walked together in a comfortable silence for a while. That seemed the complete opposite of what Yoongi had initially said he wanted to do.

"Uh... So, what do you do?" Jimin asked running his fingers through his fluffy hair. Yoongi stared up at the sky, his bucket hat tilting slightly.

"I play the piano."


"Mmhmm... for an art gallery downtown."

"I'd love to hear you play."

Yoongi looked over at Jimin who was now staring back at him.


Jimin nodded smiling, his eyes disappearing the blush creeping back onto his cheeks.

"Maybe one day, I'll play just for you."

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