Death Sentence

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It's been a minute. Looks like I got a good bit of free time now. Here's another chapter to keep your quarantine life a bit less boring. Hope you enjoy. Things are about to get hectic.

I'm not sure how long we stayed in that stall. But, several times I heard people clear their throats when I'd stifle a moan. Jungkook had me feeling in such a way that no one had ever done. Even with the countless times Taehyung had fucked me senseless. This... this felt different. It felt...


I'm not even sure why I allowed it. I knew it was going to get me punished. Hell, even Jungkook knew it. But the way he touched me, and the way he felt deep inside me. I never wanted to be touched by anyone else. Just him.

"Mmmm... Kookie. So-so good." I moaned.

"Jimin?" I heard Namjoon's voice from the other side of the door. Jungkook froze, his face in the crook of my neck leaving soft kisses. I could feel my face turning 50 shades of red.

But, the beautiful boy holding didn't let go.

"Jungkook..." I whispered. He hummed into my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Uh.. my brother... he." Jungkook carefully moved himself away from me. His gaze never leaves mine. I gave him a sad smile, but he just shook his head. I looked around for my pants and underwear. Only to find them dangling in front of my face when I turned around.

"Jimin, what are you doing in there?" Namjoon questioned me. "And why were your pants dangling off the sink?"

Jungkook stifled a laugh, clearly my discomfort was amusing to him. So I shot him an 'eat your heart out' megawatt smile. He bit his lip as I pulled my pants up over my ass, jiggling it a little for his benefit. Only to find myself pressed against the stall door once more with his tongue exploring my mouth.

This boy I thought. Not wanting to leave this stall, and that's alarming because this men's room. Yea no.

"I miss you already." He breathed, pulling away from me. I stared at his beautiful black wavy hair, his intoxicating stare, right down to his exquisite jawline and sighed. How could I have not met him sooner? I thought. Stealing one last glance I opened the door just enough to get out and then closed it once more.

Namjoon eyed me carefully, but then his bugged out his head.

"What the fuck, Jimin!!!" He screamed at me with worry lacing his tone. He grabbed my shoulders, wheeling me in front of a mirror. I gasped when I saw myself. My hair was disheveled, my lips were swollen, and all down my neck were dark red and purple hickies.

Namjoon paced the bathroom's length, tugging at his hair. If he wasn't careful he would pull it all out.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He asked flabbergasted. I looked at him apologetically. Not only would I be dead because of these. He would be too.

I looked over the stall where Jungkook remained quiet and hidden. Would the raven haired boy be able to save me? Even if he was the one who may very well have caused my death.

The door to the stall opened revealing Jungkook to my hyperventilating big brother. He gave a weary smile to him before he came to stand beside me.

"It's going to be okay." He informed us both. The fear that had been pooling in my stomach started to subside. But lingered still in the darkest part of my mind. How could he be so sure of that.

"Young man keep your nose out of things you don't understand." Snapped Namjoon grabbing me by my arm and dragging me out the bathroom.

"Namjoon stop!" I begged, but he kept walking his long legs causing my short ones to trip and fumble as we went.

"Well... well... Well, it looks like little puppet here got attacked in the bathroom.." a cool voice sneered from behind us. The next thing I heard was something being slammed into a wall. Followed by a loud groan and a thud.

When I looked back all I saw was Jungkook standing over a cowering Hoseok. That man's been getting his ass beat lately. You'd think he'd learn.

Namjoon rounded a corner, heading out into the parking garage. Stopping abruptly.


I looked up at his now puffy eyes. He was upset and I had caused this by not thinking. Yet again.

"I'm sorry..." I murmured, looking down at the concrete. He pulled me into a hug, crushing me against his chest.

"I'm always failing you." Namjoon sighed defeated. I pushed him away.

"No you didn't."

He just shook his head looking behind me.

"Don't you think you've done enough." He snarled balling his fists. I turned to look, Jungkook was standing a few feet away from us. He was breathing heavily,his knuckles were bleeding, and it looked like the start of a black eye on his flawless face.

"What happened..." I cried running towards him. Only to be stopped short by a firm hand on my wrist.


I looked up at my older brother, his eyes had darkened to that of anger and something else.

"Is he the reason you wanted to come here?" His tone was dangerous, unlike his usual one.

"No... I."

Jungkook interrupted me.

"No, he has never met me before today."

Namjoon glared at Jungkook.

"So... you took advantage of him?"

"No it's not like that..." I started but yet again I was interrupted. This boy was quite rude.

"I love him."

My heart skipped at the raven haired boy interjection. Both Namjoon and I responded surprised at the same time.


Jungkook looked down then canted his head to the side.

"We were together once. Inseparable even. Everyday around the same time I would find you out in the woods scavenging for food, and we would play. My father had a cabin deep within the forest you would forage. That was until one day you stopped showing up and I... I had lost my only friend."

Jungkook seemed crestfallen. I didn't remember much about the time before life with the Kim's. But, now... part of me wished I had.

Namjoon frowned.

"How do you know the boy from the forest was Jimin?"

I looked at Jungkook who smiled warmly at me, I smiled back.

"His smile."

"Right, well remember it. Because, it will probably be the last time you ever see it." Namjoon said bluntly, taking me by the hand and pulling me to the sedan.

Jungkook never moved. He just watched as we drove away. The fear came back in waves as I turned away from that handsome face. Facing forward towards a torture, I wasn't sure I was ready for.

Not just that... I still can't remember the damn safe word.

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