Raven Haired Boy

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The rest of the day at the mall went on uneventful. They walked around eating ice cream and talking about their childhood. How, Jimin would always come home with some new bruise or injury.

"I swear 95% of the time it was the damn pole near the Baker's house." Whined Jimin making Namjoon laugh. Although there was that one time when he was being followed by someone, he would have died that day had it not been for a boy.

"Do you ever remember seeing a muscular boy with pitch black hair wandering around the neighborhood." Jimin asked licking the remainder of his mint chocolate chip ice cream off his fingers.

"No... I can't say that I did." Namjoon eyed his younger brother curiously. He had never mentioned a boy before.

"Well... Remember when I came home covered in dirt and leaves?"


"Said boy beat the shit out of the guy who was going to rape me." Jimin quickly blurted out looking around to see if anyone overheard what he just said. That's when he saw him, he was leaning up against the wall near Journey. His mask tucked under his chin staring at Jimin.

"Uh... Earth to Jimin!" Namjoon waved his hands in front of his face.  He shook his head looking at Namjoon than back towards the boy.  He was frowning at him pointing towards the bathroom.

"Jimin..." Namjoon looked to see what had his attention frowning when he saw no one standing there.

"what are you looking...." Namjoon started to say but Jimin was hauling ass towards the bathroom. He chuckled to himself maybe he needed the toilet because of the ice cream. He couldn't remember if Jimin was lactose intolerant or not.

Jimin was breathing heavy when he stepped into the men's restroom. The boy was no where to be found, the only indicator that he could be in here was the locked stall in the back.


He walked slowly towards the stall looking into each one as he passed by. Why did he follow him in the first place?

"Hello?" He said again feeling a warm hand wrap around his wrist jerking him into the now open stall in front of him. Wait? When did it open?!

He stood staring at him with an intense look. His breathing was steady, but he seemed uncomfortable in the close proximity to Jimin.

"Oh...can you let go of my wrist?" The boy let go of Jimin's wrist leaning back against the wall still looking at him with his intense dark brown eyes. 

"Who are you?"


"How can I thank you for what you did all those years ago?" Jimin asked playing with the sleeve of his shirt. He wished the boy would stop looking at him like that. It made him feel weird.

"You don't." He said in a thick tone. Moving off the wall he closed the distance between them pushing Jimin back against the stall door. Jimin knew he should be scared at this moment, but he wasn't.

The boy leaned in their noses now touching.

"wh...what are... you doing?"  Jimin stuttered his heart racing in his chest. This boy was absolutely gorgeous. His wavy chin length hair, that crazy intense stare he still had. Jimin licked his lips swallowing back the saliva pooling in his mouth as he met the boys intensity full on.

"I'm going to kiss you." Before Jimin could object the boy's warm soft lips were on his, Jimin kissed back not really understanding the situation. However, he liked the way his lips tasted. His tongue tickled Jimin's lips making him part them. Their kiss becoming heated, their hands feeling every inch of the others body. When they pulled away they were panting hard, trying to catch their breath.

Jimin touched his lips, he could still feel the boy's lips on his even though he was standing away from him.

"Who...Are you?" He asked breathlessly. The boy eyed him still breathing hard and smiled.


Jimin felt his heart stop. He was the boy? The boy who saved him, and caused him so much pain... The one who drove Taehyung mad? He moved to try and open the stall but Jungkook grabbed him pulling him into a firm hug he whispered in his ear.

"Jimin...please, let me save you once more."


"I love you..."

Jimin turned his head to stare at the boy in disbelief. How can he say that? He didn't know him at all. He only met him that one time in the woods, and that wasn't even a proper introduction.

"I don't even know you!" Jimin said incredulously. "How can you love me? I've only just met you?"

"I've known you for years. I've watched you, chased you even. That was an interesting day to say the least. But, I also had to save you that day. I've loved you from the moment I saw you. He has kept you locked up in his mansion. Making it impossible to cut his puppet's strings. All the other times I have seen you here you were busy with someone else and I could never catch your beautiful eyes until today."

"Is everyone crazy or am I just a magnet for psychos?" Jimin asked eyeing the stall door once more.

"I'm not crazy..." Jungkook frowned. "I just want you to be safe, and if you truly love Tae Tae I will leave you two alone."


"Taehyung..." He raised an eyebrow at Jimin when he said that.

"Oh...yea no I don't love him... I mean there are days... Wait."


"Why am I telling you this."

"I used to be his puppet." He frowned looking down at his feet. Jimin started to missed the eye contact, taking Jungkook's chin in his small hands he lifted his face up to look at him.

"So, you know what he would do if he found out about this?"

Jungkook nodded.

"But, you did it anyway..."

He frowned, but then slowly nodded looking at him with longing eyes.

"I've always wanted to kiss you..."


Jungkook's hand moved to caress Jimin's cheek pulling him to him kissing his lips yet again.

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