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I do not understand how he did not choose instantly. Maybe it was fear of Taehyung or perhaps he was unsure of his feelings for me. But the way he looked from me to Taehyung had my insides turning in the worst way. Could it be Stockholm syndrome? Does he actually love him? Watching him sit there biting his lip, turning his beautiful face from mine to Taehyung was painful. I hated that I had put him in this predicament. At least for now he was not being punished for the bathroom incident.

Why did I always put people I cared for in these types of situations? Yoongi could not handle it. I was constantly pining over a boy who always seemed to be just out of reach. I remember it like it was yesterday. He grabbed my arm and begged me to see him. With his wide dark eyes and pale skin. How he always seemed to have a bandana in his hair and his gummy smile when I would make him happy. That wasn't often enough... I don't think I will ever forgive myself for how I treated him. He deserved better than someone who didn't even give him the time of day.

I must have sighed heavily from my reverie, because when I looked at Jimin he was looking at me in a way that made me tug at my shirt collar. Like I had hurt his feelings. Damn... Not again.

"I'm sorry Kookie..." Jimin whispered softly as he played with his fingers. He looked so innocent, almost childlike.

"For what?" I questioned, not quite understanding. That was until I looked at Taehyung, who appeared triumphant.


"I don't mean to take so long to decide... it's just..."

Oh Okay... He didn't.

"Take all the time you need, Jiminnie." I'm not sure why I called him that. However, it rewarded me with a smile that took my breath away. He adjusted, kicking his feet up on the couch once more. My mind wandered back to the mall bathroom. Thinking about all the pretty noises that escaped his soft plump lips. How I wanted to bite them...

"Kookie..." His voice snapped me from thoughts in the worst way. His deep hushed tone making me cringe. I wasn't scared of him and yet... He still made my body respond.

"Tae." I responded flatly. Trying not to show my uncertainty.

"May I have word in the study?" He asked me with his arms folded across his chest.


I couldn't take it anymore. Jimin was just taking way to damn long for him to decide with both of us standing there. I had to escape to keep my temper down.

"Kookie..." My voice was low and I could hear the strain in it. Pathetic. He looked at me, I could see behind his façade. He was trying to stay cool and collected. I still affected him and that alone excited me. My anger was dissipating with every second I looked into his sumptuous face.

"Tae." It was cute how he tried to hide his true feelings towards me. After all these years...

"May I have a word in the study?" my voice was steady although I could feel the emotions swelling in my chest. A long-lost love for this raven-haired boy turned man.

I walked down the hallway my hands tucked deep into my pockets of my slacks. The tension in the air was thick. My only hope is that it will go away once we are alone in my office. If not well... My little puppet needs to decide if he is going to clip his own strings or let me play with him more.

Jungkook cleared his throat walking over to the oak liquor cabinet. His hands moved swiftly over to the cognac. I frowned; I didn't find him to be much of a drinker. Especially not that.

"Didn't know you drink." I husked.

He glanced at me with a smirk, that cool demeanor making me a bit bothered. His eyes drifted below my belt, then turned back towards the cabinet. I listened as the ice hit the glass and then the cool liquid pouring over them.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Tae..." Jungkook murmured, swiftly moving to the chair behind the desk. Putting his heavy boots on the top of it like he owned it. That infuriated me. I would bend him over that desk and spank him mercilessly if he was still mine.

"Get your nasty ass boots off my desk." I growled, my temper rising once more. He raised an eyebrow, but he didn't move his damned feet.

Defiant little shit. I moved over to him, getting really close to his face. His gaze met my intensity, I rested my hands on the arms of the chair. His breath was laced with the strong alcohol. Intoxicating me, somehow, I think he knew I had a weakness for it.

"Kookie..." I groaned, breathing in the scent, heavily. I saw him smirk, then his lips were against mine. His hands grabbing the back of my head bringing me to him like his life depended on it. I adjusted pulling him up out the chair. Jungkook grunted and pushed me against the desk. Trailing hot, hard kisses down my neck, ripping my shirt to gain access to my chest.


"No..." He continued to move down, unbuttoning my pants to reveal my already hardened cock. It had missed him as much as I did.

"Please..." I don't even know why I wanted him to stop. He just needed to.


"Kookie, why are you doing this?"


Jungkook couldn't answer me. Just like I didn't have a reason for him to stop. Although I'm glad someone showed restraint. My puppet decided to make his appearance. We both adjusted ourselves, while he eyed us curiously.

"I've decided..." He murmured. We both glanced at each other, then back at Jimin. He seemed happy about what he had decided in the few heated moments Jungkook and I shared.

"What have you decided, Puppet?" I regretted saying that almost instantly. His face turned stone cold and emotionless when he looked at me.


"First of all, I'm not your fucking puppet anymore." His small shaky hands rested on his hips.

So, it's like that.


My Puppet BoyWhere stories live. Discover now