My Gilded Cage

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Happy Birthday to Kim Namjoon!

The black Mercedes returned a long with dark clouds casting a knowing gloom about the day. Namjoon stared as an elderly man stepped out of it holding a binder. He walked slowly up the walkway to the door looking solemn, as if someone had died and he came to deliver the bad news. However, Namjoon knew what he was here for. The thunder rumbled in the distance before the steady knock. 

Anger swelled through his chest at the man, at his father, and that bastard Kim Taehyung. He yanked the door open glaring at the elder man forgetting all his manners. The man frowned making his face droop. His eyes were sunken in and his skin gray in color. He looked like someone out of an Edgar Allen Poe story. 

"Jesus.." he grimaced.

"Young man, that is very impolite." The elder man griped giving Namjoon a stern look. His dad appeared disheveled, and glasses askew. 

"Mr. Costonin… I apologize for my son. He is usually in good spirits." He bowed apologizing.

Namjoon grumbled curses under his breath walking away from the two men. He needed to find Jimin. Especially after what he had told him last night. He shot a look back at his dad before he went into his younger brothers dark room.

He could hear the steady breathing coming from his bed as he crept forward. Gently he shook him awake whispering. "Jimin...wake up" 

Jimin stretched out, yawning wide and loud.
Then he went silent and overly still staring up at the ceiling. 

"Let me guess… they've come to take me away.." he sighed.

Namjoon nodded his expression sad covered in a hint of anger. He wanted so badly to find a way to keep him from having to go. He even spoke with his boyfriend about it. But the only thing that sounded manageable was going and working for the man to be sure Jimin was safe. 

He still needed to talk to him though. Lost in thought he didn't hear the door open  and his father step in. 

"Jimin it's time to get up…" He hesitated before continuing. "You are leaving to learn to be obedient. I hope he molds you into well rounded young man."  He stood in the doorway the light from the hallway casting his features in shadows. 

Namjoon huffed shoving past his dad, running from the house. 


Jimin understood Namjoons actions, carefully calculating his movements he climbed out of the bed. His feet feeling like they had lead in them.


He counted in his head each grueling step. His father tapped his foot impatiently. "Come on Jimin."

Jimin swallowed hard. He was scared of what the day would bring once he met the man who was supposed to make him obedient. He stayed at the same pace as he packed his things. All the while his dad was making ticking noises with his teeth, and a steady drum of his foot. 

"Mr. Costonin?" His dad asked confused looking behind himself. The elderly man had appeared, leaning forward to tell Jimin's dad something.

With a look that screamed panick, his dad raced towards Jimin snatching his bag and shoving everything he could get his hands on into it.  

"Let's go!" Jimin's dad growled taking his delicate wrist and dragging him from the room, down the hallway, then out into the pouring down rain. Why was it bad things happened when it rained. Jimin asked himself. Before he was thrown into the backseat of the Mercedes. The door slamming hard after him. He winced at the sound staring dumbfounded at the man who was once his savior. 

Jimin felt nauseated, how could he do this? He questioned, as he watched the two men from the window.

After a brief conversation both men shook hands. His dad disappearing into the house and the elderly man climbing into the driver's seat.

With a sorrowful voice he croaked, "It's Jungkook all over again…" placing the car in drive, he pulled away from the place Jimin had called home. Now, taking him to the place that would be his gilded cage.

The ride was quiet which Jimin hated. He had tried to talk to the man, but he would only mumble something, and then cough. Sighing heavily he stared out the window covered in rain droplets. Some hours had passed when they pulled up to a  mansion surrounded by woods. It was beautiful yet frightening. Jimin had no clue what kind of man waited behind that beautifully crafted oak door. His chest tightened as a knot formed in his throat, panic had set in as the car came to a halt right in front of the steps. 

"Time to go Koo… I mean Jimin." The elderly man mumbled opening the door for him. Jimin's breathing became rapid, his whole body shaking. Why was he even scared? Was it because of what Namjoon told him. 

"Woah! Hey.. hey calm down!" The man fanned his hands at him. Shooting a worried look at the front door and then windows. He reached for Jimin pulling him from the car. Then for the second time that day Jimin was dragged to the front door and into his prison to meet his warden.

"Hello Puppet…" a deep voice purred. Jimin's eyes grew wide, as the man stepped out from the shadows of a bookshelf. His dark brown hair swept to the side, his features sharp, and his stare sinking deep into Jimin's unsuspecting soul. He was majestic the way he held his shoulders and his slender frame moving like water towards Jimin. 

Oh God….

Jimin swallowed hard trying to gain some confidence before he spoke, "It's Jimin…" he stated coolly. Trying not to appear intimidated. 
He didn't think he would ever regret saying his name. But the way the man's face contorted into that sadistic smile. Made a ball of ice drop hard into the pit of his stomach.

Taehyung was on him in seconds. Holding his chin hard in his hands. "It's whatever I say it is!" He growled into his ear. Jimin gulped. 

"You will refer to me as Daddy from here on out. Unless I state otherwise… do you understand me?"

Jesus this man was insane… Extremely fucking hot… but insane nonetheless. 

"Whatever you say man…" he wasn't about to call this man daddy. Or he wanted to think that. That was until the man grabbed his crotch and squeezed hard. 

"Aaargh...What the fuck!!' He cried out in pain and humiliation. An evil grin stretched across Taehyung's face. "What's my name Puppet." His deep voice growled low in his ear.

Jimin whimpered wanting nothing more than for this man to let his manhood go. "Daddy.."

Instantly the man's hand was gone, and Jimin's heart sank when he realized what his father had done to him. 

"Show him to his room Costonin. I have a debt to pay." Taehyung gave one last Longing look at Jimin before he disappeared into his study.

Jimin followed the elderly butler up a winding staircase, down two hallways, and then up a third. Finally stopping in front of a dark blue door. Pushing it open, Jimin was amazed at what he saw. The cherry wood furniture with dark blue comforter to match the door. Intricate designs were carved in the bedpost and paintings of cherubs and demons riddled the walls. Everything was beautiful and a little scary. Especially when Jimin saw the room he was to stay in. If you could call it that. 

A glass box sat in the corner of the room, with a door, and tiny quant bed on the inside but nothing else. It almost looked like something from a zoo. Just more elegant.

Costonin gestured to the box. "That is where you will stay. Your belongings will stay in this gentleman's hutch. Jimin nodded slowly his eyes still on the glass box. 

"Time to go in your room." Costonin said calmly.
Jimin shook his head, starting to panic again. 

"NO.." He screeched. Jimin yelped when he felt the man's cold fingers on the back of his neck. He tried to squirm but the man pressed hard on pressure point making him pass out.

Taehyung lifted Jimin easily and then laid him down on the bed in the box, gazing at his boy like face. Smiling he stepped from the box, locking it behind him.

"He is perfect." He stated happily to the elderly man. Costonin just nodded at him, thinking of the man who had come and gone so quickly before.

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