Puppet Purchase

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A/N: excuse the hiatus. Flash forward from the flash back but still slightly in it. If you catch my drift.

"What happened this time Jimin" his dad asked impatiently. He had aged over the years, and it would seem that the once patient and calm man had gone. His demeanor towards Jimin changed over the past couple months, and with him coming home every other week with a black eye or some kind of bruise. It just wasn't making it any better, or maybe it was the bizarre stories that came with them. All were very much true, except for one tiny detail. However, Jimin kept that to himself.

"I got scared and ran into a pole."

"That's the fourth time in the last month you've ran into a pole." His dad scoffed not believing him.

"It's true though.." Jimin shot back a little on edge.

"Boy... You best watch your tone!" His dad challenged giving him a stern look over his half-moon spectacles. Jimin refrained from rolling his eyes. He generally tried not to push buttons, but they just never seemed to believe him. If someone else had said they ran into a pole four times. He probably wouldn't believe them either, so he could understand. Aside from the fact that it was fucking true!


1st Pole incident: Namjoon was chasing him around the corner and of course more concerned with what was behind him. Jimin careened right into the pole. Broke his collarbone. Namjoon stood up for him on this one, and cried himself to sleep for months over the guilt. Granted Jimin should have looked where he was going.

2nd Pole Incident: This one was weird... like Namjoon saw it. But, he wasn't quite sure how it happened because Jimin was on the sidewalk and the car was on the road. Anyways, the car sped by while Jimin was riding his bike and maybe the centrifugal force caused him to crash into the pole. Which landed him with a bunch of scrapes, bruises, and a gash above his left eyebrow. Namjoon didn't help with the explanation. So his parents being cops assumed the worst.

3rd Pole Incident: Jimin was minding his own business when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Usually a sign of danger or unease. Completely ignored by him of course.
Of course.
Well, a man carrying a chainsaw was revving it in the alleyway nearby, laughing hysterically at a pile of trash bags on the ground. Scary as hell to see in person. So, Jimin hauled ass away from the psychopath. Well, the pole gets in the way again, and when he hit both arms and legs shot out sending him crashing to the ground. The wind completely knocked out of him. His dad laughed at him then sent him to his room.

Jimin watched the news that night. The guy got arrested for scaring people. Apparently, he was going over his lines as a serial killer for a film. Either way still... creepy.

Namjoon laughed at him later when he told him the story.

4th Pole Incident. Well, he felt like he was being watched. Maybe his parents had goons watching him to see what trouble he got into. If that was the case then they wouldn't even question his stories. But yea... he ran into the pole breaking his nose.

End Collective:

"Jimin you tell such tall tales..." his dad sighed taking a sip of coffee while he skimmed the paper in front of him. Jimin rubbed his temples in frustration. "Dad..."

"Save it...I'm too tired to hear it."

"Fine" Jimin said flatly as he stormed off to his bedroom slamming the door. Tears streamed down his face onto his pillow. How could anyone think that he was so bad. He cried himself to sleep out of anger and an overwhelming sadness.

Years later
The young man sat across from Officer Kim, his lips slightly parted with his index finger against his lip and chin resting on his thumb. He listened intrigued by what the man was asking him. Taehyung had heard this time and time again from many customers, so when Mr. Kim spoke about Jimin and his troubles. He could already feel his hands itching to correct the boy.

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