Father sold Me?

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A/N: what?

"What the fuck!?" Namjoon screamed pulling at his hair. His father had just sold his younger brother. But, for what reason? They weren't hurting for money. He had no debts that Namjoon was aware of. Jimin wasn't a trouble maker, trouble just found him.

"FUCK!" He screamed again. Namjoon paced from one end of his bedroom to the other. Trying to figure out what he could do. Remembering the card he flipped it over in his hands. 

Namjoon slapped his forehead in sheer aggravation

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Namjoon slapped his forehead in sheer aggravation. His father had to know what this meant. There is no way he couldn't have known. Not just that Taehyung was a multi billionaire for the BDSM industry. For a police officer he sure does live under a rock. 

"What do I do?" He groaned as the door to his room slowly crept open. Jimin stepped inside closing it behind him. He appeared to be all clean aside from the occasional scratches and what looked to be crescents from fingernails on his forearms. Namjoon cringed trying not to over think them. Jimin fell back onto the bed with a sigh, while Namjoon sat down at the edge staring at him. 

"You good? I heard you screaming?" Jimin asked concerned propping his head up on his hand. Namjoon nodded shoving the card into his back pocket. He wasn't sure if he should tell him what happened. He was hoping that maybe he dreamed it, but in reality… he was very much awake. 

"Jin still won't give it to ya?" Jimin teased trying to lighten his brothers mood. Namjoon smacked him on the arm. 

"I'm fine man…" he mumbled flipping through his phone, looking up what all BDSM entails. His face turned red when he opened the first website. Jimin sat up and peeked over his shoulder. 

"Jin is into this!?" Jimin said shocked. Watching as a man spoke to the woman tied to the bed like some sort of slave. Namjoon clicked the screen off. 


Jimin shrugged and laid back down. He didn't understand the mood or why Namjoon was looking at weird stuff like that, unless it was something Jin was into. 

"So...is he?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows, earning him a smack with a pillow. 

"No! Now stop that!" Namjoon snapped which made Jimin laugh. 

"Then why are you looking at it?" Shot back at the older man. 

"Because… I'm pretty sure our Dad sold you to a…."

Jimin stared at his brother confused. What did he mean by sold? Was this some kind of Joke? 

"So..sold me to...a what?" He struggled with the question.

Namjoon's voice cracked, "A man who is basically the king of the BDSM community...it is said he can make anyone a submissive."

Jimin gulped. What had his father done to him? His whole body felt like it was consumed in ice, his mouth had gone dry like the Sahara desert, and his eyes glazed over.

He shuffled back to his room. The hallway seemingly longer than it had been when he first came to Namjoon's room. How could his father do that? Was it because he was adopted? Did he not love him enough. Wait... he's 19 can he legally still do that?

Jimin didn't know... The nightmares he had throughout the night were no help either.

Not even the Raven haired boy could save him from this...or could he?

A/N: who is the raven haired boy?

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