I choose...

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It was like all of Taehyung's old lover's had returned all in one day. One seemed to always be lurking. He wanted Taehyung in the worst way and would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Didn't work though.

Taehyung was lost to two boys. One with Raven hair and the other a cotton candy pink. Both had extremely different personalities. Which is why I think he fell hard for them. The rage anytime Jimin would disobey was severe.

Jimin took the punishments like a champ. I could hear him late into the night crying out Taehyung's name.

When we got back to the house... I had never seen the place so bright. Taehyung had pulled all the heavy drapes back. Casting a beautiful sunlight into a once dim room.

I stood in the front door gaping at the new scenery. If only the man would leave them open. This place wouldn't be so gloomy.

"CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!" Taehyung screamed, startling me. I tripped then slammed the door on my fingers. Pretty sure two of them are crushed.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Ouch! Sorry!" I cursed as I bowed and ran off towards the kitchen. I shot a glance back at Jimin.

Why must he always get in trouble?

I grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer holding it over my black and blue swollen fingers. I'm gonna have to go to the doctor at some point.

Quietly I pulled a chair up to the door so that I could sit and listen. Seriously? They are talking about Jimin like he's a possession... although Kookie, I guess that's his name seems to just want Taehyung to set him free...

Oh please...

Jimin's awake now. That's good, he always had low blood sugar. He may need something to eat. Shit!

The doorbell rang. I ran out into the living room opening the door to none other than Hoseok. Which pissed Taehyung off.

I stood off to the side watching Jimin. He seemed confused and a little overwhelmed.

Hoseok cried and practically dropped to his knees to give Taehyung a blow job. This man is pathetic. He made threats towards Jimin before he was cast out the door. That was my cue, I disappeared back to the kitchen to make Jimin a peanut butter and honey sandwich. That would help with his sugar levels.

The sound of feet shuffling down the hall met my ears. I only hoped that one of them wasn't Jimin. Grabbing a glass of milk and the sandwich, carefully cradling it on one arm. I found Jimin sitting on the couch staring at a dark painting of Taehyung.

"You know... he's really not that bad." He whispered more to himself than anyone. I sat the glass and plate down on the table as I took a seat next to him. He leaned against my shoulder, continuing his little talk.

"Jungkook is so mysterious... I don't know anything about him..."

I frowned, "you're not thinking about staying with Taehyung are you."

Jimin looked up at me with question filled eyes.

"What do I do if the only person I want to be around.... or trust is..." he stopped, looking down the hall towards the office.

"Is who?"

Whomever he trusted, I just wanted him to be safe and happy. Not trapped like a caged animal. He looked into my eyes as if he was searching for my soul.


"Namjoon... I've only ever trusted you."

I stared at him in disbelief. I don't see how he could trust someone who kept allowing things to happen to him instead of having the balls to stick up for him.

"you don't have to pick either one."

He nodded.

"I choose you."

"What? I'm your brother." I said with confusion. Not to mention my boyfriend Jin is a jealous type... he's not for that poly life.

"Hardly..." he smiled, my heart was doing weird things.

"But I didn't mean in a lover's sort of way."

He followed shortly after. I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh... uh... right. Okay then."

I'm so stupid.

Jimin stood up from the couch, wincing a little.

"I choose you, Namjoon." He smiled happily, then turned and walked down the hall towards the office.


Wonder why he thought I would want to be with him like that. Goodness, Namjoon. Anyways... the time has come.

I reached out to grasp the cold metal knob, turning it slowly as I let out a deep breath. Pushed open the door with my head held high.

"I've decided..." I murmured a little too quietly for my own liking. I wanted to be fierce.

"What have you decided, Puppet?" Taehyung's voice was low and filled with a sort of excitement. Like he knew I was going to choose him. Boy was he ever wrong. This puppet has cut its fucking strings. I glared at him.

"First of all, I'm not your fucking puppet anymore." Placing my small shaky hands on my hips. Fuck stop being so scared, Jimin. I gave myself a pep talk.


Looking at both of the beautiful men before me. I smiled.

"I choose... Namjoon."

I turned slamming the door, walking out like the diva that I am.

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