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He was still so beautiful... All I could was watch him as he carried Jimin over to the couch. The way his muscles flexed when he adjusted Jimin's body against his chest. How he gently laid him down on the cushions. Everything about the way Jungkook moved had me wanting him all over again. I could trap him, make him mine again. I could have two puppets.

I could have two puppets...

"Don't even think about it Tae." His silky voice reached my ears. I pouted it was as if he could read my mind.

"what?" I looked genuinely confused even though I know he knows what I was thinking as I watched him.

"I'm not here for you." His tone was not so friendly now. He moved Jimin's hair out his face so gently. Then turned to me with a menacing look.

"I'm here to free Jimin."

I laughed. No, he was not.

"ha... I don't think so Kookie." He looked at me disgusted when I used his pet name. It was like it made him want to puke, or worse.

"Don't call me that."

"why not? You used to love it."

"It sounds degrading coming from you."

Fucking butler is just standing there letting the blasted flies in. What if they land on my Jiminie.

"CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!" I snarled at the boy standing in the doorway. He jumped out his skin tripping over his feet. Then as he closed the door his fingers were in the way. He let out a few curse words. Apologized then disappeared into the kitchen. Why was that guy so clumsy? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Jimin and Namjoon were brothers. That Jimin wasn't adopted. But that wasn't the case.

"You don't have to be such an ass to your help, Taehyung." Jungkook's voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Whatever..." I rolled my eyes, moving toward the couch to check on Jimin. But, Jungkook stepped in my fucking way. Okay, I love this boy. However, he is standing in the way of what's mine.

"I suggest you move." I threatened. He just folded his toned arms and squared his shoulders.

"Or what?"

"Kookie. Move."

"No." He said challenging me.

He was acting like a toddler at this point and it was making my blood boil. I hated when my puppets disobeyed.

"I'm not your puppet anymore. You can't punish me."

He was right. He hadn't been mine in so long. But I could still punish people who were inside my house. I took a step forward, watching as his shoulders tensed up and his jawbone flexed. Oh... he looks so hot right now.


"No. Taehyung. You can't treat people the way you do. People aren't meant to be controlled this way. You must have consent. Which you never got from Jimin. He was sold to you by his dad. Who didn't have a clue what he was doing. What you did was wrong. You know this."

I frowned. No one ever put it like that. Although, I've only ever had three puppets. I won't talk about the other one. I had his consent; however, he was always so boring. To compliant, never disobeyed. Which really took the satisfaction out of it all. Ugh...

"He loves me..." I whispered. Jungkook blanched at my response.

"You are naïve if you really think that, Tae." He said disgusted. Why was he so mean right now? All my anger dissipated. My feelings were hurt.

"Why are you so mean to me? You used to love me..."

Jungkook shrugged, looking down at Jimin then up at me.

"I thought he had died along with his mother."

We both stared at the small boy on the couch. It was wrong to think of him as a boy. His small frame with his small hands, soft face. What was not to love about him? He had a feisty attitude. Cute as can be when he wanted something. A straight little demon when he was disobedient. Oh, how I loved that.

"His mother?"

Kookie nodded. He had a solemn look on his face.

"Yea, she died."

I don't know why I asked. I knew about the wench from his father. She had gotten into some trouble back in the day which made them homeless. Little Jimin was found crying near her with a rat on her chest. Heartbreaking, really.

"He is safe here, Ko-Jungkook."

He rolled his eyes at me, running his hand through his thick black hair.

"No, he isn't."

"I'm not hurting-"

"You are by not letting him be free to be himself."

"He's able to be himself. He just has rules! Like any other submissive!"

"HE'S NOT HOSEOK!" He yelled at me, stirring Jimin in his passed-out state. Great... he had to mention him.

"Well, I know that." I scoffed, pulling at my collar. Did it get hot in here or was it just me.

"Tae, let him go."

"No." I can't do that." Then I would have no one. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me, just as the door rang. Who the fuck was that?

Namjoon appeared with his hand wrapped up in a towel with a bag of peas. He bowed at me then opened the door.


This day just keeps getting better and better.

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