Confused Choices

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I feel like I dreamt the whole thing. That everything between Jungkook and I didn't happen. When I woke up, I was in my glass cage tucked into my white sheets that smelled like honey. The only time it smells like honey is when...

After care...

Looking around the room it appeared to be empty. No Taehyung lurking in the shadows or staring at me from the bed. It was quiet... A little to quiet for my liking.

I wiggled around to see just how sore I was from my little mall adventure. Not too bad. I felt a little disappointed. I wanted to remember Jungkook.

The door to the room crept open slowly. But the person who entered the room was a shock to me. His hair swept over his dark eyes hiding them from me. The way he slowly closed the door, steadily looking at the floor. It was unnerving and yet he was still so breathtakingly handsome. My heart pounded against my chest as if it was trying to get to the raven-haired boy.

"Jungkook?" I questioned hesitantly. He looked up at me, his expression unreadable. What was he doing here?

"Jimin..." He whispered walking towards my cage. When he was standing right in front of it, he pressed his palm against the glass. I placed mine where his was. Jungkook closed his eyes as if he could feel my hand on his.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" He looked at me with longing eyes and I melted in their warm luminous orbs.

"He won't let you go..."


"He. Won't. Let. You. Go." He annunciated each word. But his voice faded with each word. That's when Jungkook started to flicker like a bad television picture.

"JUNGKOOK!" I screamed, banging against the glass. He was gone, all I could see now was Taehyung in a black suit holding a cat of nine tails. I swallowed hard, my palms sweating. I was about to be punished severely for my transgressions.

"You've been bad, Jimin." His voice was like ice running down my spine. I felt my knees buckle and then I was in front of him on my knees. The scenery changed to the woods where the man had tried to rape me all those years ago.

Jungkook will save me. I thought to myself as I stared up at Taehyung. He fumbled with the zipper of his pants, then grabbed the back up my head, bringing me up to his hardened cock.

"NO!" I cried. Taehyung growled in displeasure throwing me to the ground. He pushed my face into the leaves and dirt, ripping at my clothes. I was screaming to the point my voice sounded like someone wailing.

No one came. No Raven-haired boy to save the bad little Jimin.

"Bad Boy." Taehyung whispered in my ear. A few seconds past with an eerie silence taking over. A loud crack broke the silence, along with the spray of something warm hitting my back. Something heavy hit the ground hard beside me. I was afraid to look and yet... I did.

Taehyung laid beside me, his eyes wide and empty. I screamed again, while warm arms enveloped me gingerly in a hug. Jungkook whispered softly in my ear.

"You are safe my love. He will never hurt you again."

Then he was gone. His sweet scent faded, replaced by the smell of wet dirt and mildew. Something was scratching around me. Oh God...

I looked around my surroundings. I was inside the box that was my home for so long. My mom laid with the rat on her chest. But her mouth moved. She was trying to tell me something, although I couldn't bring myself to get any closer to her rotting flesh. The rat hissed at me as I stared at her mouth coming unhinged.

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