Not My Fault

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Apparently he didn't want a cookie. He wanted the person who wrote the letter. Their name was Cookie. That's what Jimin had concluded later after he was punished for his misdeeds. Rather the person named Cookie's little letter. If he ever met that puppet. He would be sure to thank them for his sore back, and ass today. The man didn't even let Jimin finish. 

Jimin looked down at his aching dick. The tip was a dark purple, and it was being choked by the ring Taehyung had refused to take off. The man's temper was still brimming when he finished relentless whipping Jimin. He whimpered, "it wasn't my misdeed…" 


Namjoon walked into the room with a tray of food, and some ointment. He could see Jimin sitting slouched over on his bed looking down at his lap. He was crying, his shoulders shaking as his hands gripped the sheets. 

"Jimin…" he began softly. Jimin looked up at him with eyes filled with sadness and pain.

"Joonie…" he whined. He rushed over to the door balancing the tray carefully. As he opened the door Jimin jumped on him gripping him tightly. Careful not to touch his back Namjoon patted his brothers head. 

"Jimin what happened this time? He was in here for hours. I thought he'd never stop!" He exclaimed concerned.

"Cookie…" was all Jimin could say as he cried into Namjoon's shoulder.


"Yea...someone named Cookie wrote him a letter, and now he's gone all Mr. HYDE on my ass." 

Namjoon raised his eyebrow. He knew of only one person who went by that name. Mr. Costonin told him when he trained him. Which means Jungkook was back. He was the only one that Taehyung loved more than anything. But, he ran away. 

Why was he back?

"You mean Kookie…" 

He said as he rubbed the ointment into his brother's back. It would help with the swelling, and leave minimal scarring. Namjoon only wished there was something more he could do. Jimin eyed him curiously. "K..Kookie…" he whispered before the door slammed open, and he was yanked up on his tiptoes from the box.

They didn't see or hear Taehyung come into the room.

"Don't ever say that fucking name again! You HEAR me!?" Taehyung growled harshly, his face dangerously close to Jimin's.

"O...okay.." he whimpered.

Taehyung released him, causing Jimin to crumple to the floor in a ball. Taehyung stepped over him to the black dresser. Opening it to take something out then slamming it closed again.

Namjoon sat stone still on the bed in the box. He couldn't do anything to help. The man had made that perfectly clear when he pinned him against the fridgerator in the kitchen days prior.

"Puppet..." Taehyung growled lowly, sending a cold shiver down Jimin's spine.

" daddy?" He stuttered getting to his feet.

"Come here."

Jimin walked quickly over to the man and stood shivering in front of him. Taehyung's face softened as he looked at the man in front of him.

"Daddy's sorry for his out burst... I should not have taken it out on you." His hand caressed Jimin's cheek as shock played across his face.


Taehyung smiled leaning forward to kiss him softly. Jimin's heart skipped a beat. An internal struggle rising within him. He couldn't tell if he loved the man that bought him. Or if it was a case of Stockholm syndrome. Either way his heart was making him feel some kind of way, and that cock ring definitely wasn't helping.

He whimpered into the kiss, the pain was becoming unbearable. What was it with this man and these damned things?

"Leave..." Taehyung demanded of the statue known as Namjoon, his lips brushing against Jimin's neck.

Namjoon yelped and ran out the room, like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.


"Mmm...daddy..." Jimin's voice was thick sounding, as Taehyung sucked and bit all along the side of his neck. Taehyung smiled pulling off Jimin's shirt,as well as his other garments.

His hands trailed along Jimin's sides to his hips, as he lowered himself to his knees in front of the trembling man.

"What does puppet want..." he asked as his fingers trailed down Jimin's hardened cock to the ring, tapping it.

Jimin bit his lip looking down at Taehyung. The way he sat back on his knees his expression wanting.

" cum daddy..."

Taehyung smiled, his eyes partly closed as he took off the ring, licking the slit of Jimin's cock, then pulling his hips towards him, as he took all of his cock in his mouth.

Jimin shuddered, the warmth of his puppet masters mouth consuming his overly stimulated cock. Swirling his tongue around it slowly as he pulled back to the tip. Gripping his hands in Taehyungs hair, he pushed his hips towards him. Taehyung hummed, making vibrations around as he started to move his head back and forth, grabbing Jimin's ass and squeezing. Jimin moaned loudly arching his head back he could feel the tightening in his belly.

"" his hands gripped tighter in Taehyungs hair. He didn't say anything back, he just increased his pace hollowing out his cheeks as he did so.

Jimin came hard into his mouth, which to Jimin's surprise Taehyung swallowed it, moving off the floor and tossing him back onto the bed. He squeaked as his back hit the soft sheets. It stung for a few moments.

Taehyung crawled on top of him kissing his chest up to his lips. His tongue tickling them until they parted. He flicked his tongue along Jimin's and then pulled back with worried eyes.

"Is puppet mad at Daddy?"

Jimin didn't understand the question. Taehyung never asked him something like this, and the way he looked made unease form in his tummy.

"No..." he said hesitating before running his hand along the youngers back. Relief washed over his face as he buried his face in Jimins neck.

After a while of Jimin rubbing his back, light snores came from Taehyung. Which made Jimin smile. He was such a peaceful sleeper.

However, the unease was still there. Who was this Kookie, and why did he affect Taehyung so much?

He had to know.

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