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He woke up like he always did... inside his small little display case for his Puppet Master. Jimin could see him sleeping peacefully in his king size bed, a calm look on his face. He almost wished he could touch him... but that thought fizzled out with the memories. 

Jimin didn't like being in this cage... he didn't care for the man sleeping several feet away from him. His handsome face all calm and almost godlike. Perhaps, if they had met under different circumstances he wouldnt have this overwhelming hatred towards him or his father. 

A knock at the door snaps him from his thoughts. The handsome man stirs in his bed, sitting up his muscles flexed in his back as he stretched. His skin looked so soft and inviting, but he was anything but. 

"Already awake puppet" his voice was smooth and deep when he spoke without looking over to where Jimin sat unfazed by the fact he wasnt even looking at him. The first time he did it it scared the hell out of him. But it's been a few years, and he was over it. 

"Can puppet explore today daddy?" He asked as the man walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. 

"What does puppet want to do?" He asked staring at the man in front of him with a hostile expression. 

"Explore daddy... puppet wants to go explore." 

He glared at Namjoon before snatching a letter from him and closing the door before he could say anything. Turning to look at Jimin his expresson soft but guarded. 

"Does puppet think he has earned the right to explore after his previous transgressions?" Slowly he approached the glass box. Jimin shifted slightly to stand and rest both palms against the wall. He stared up at the man with a pouty face, rocking his hips from side to side. 

"Well... daddy you did make it hard for puppet to walk... I think puppet paid nicely.. please.."

He watched as the man hovered in place, his face with hooded expression, and a hint of lust. Jimin knew rocking his hips would help him get what he wanted. But, he wasnt sure if he would have to give anything for the time he would be allotted to wander.

Taehyung rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck. The sound was sickening,which made Jimin's skin crawl with the heebie jeebies. He decided to try something else. Opening his mouth in an O shape he breathed on the glass fogging it up. Taking a finger he drew a heart on it, writing Daddy underneath it. Giving the man a sweet innocent smile. 

Taehyung smirked, the man loved Jimin's efforts to sway him. Tearing open the envelope he pulled out a letter that read: 


Or Tae Tae as I remember you liked to be called. It seems you have found yourself a new puppet. One that both hates and loves you like I do... I neither hate nor do I love you now. I just want to warn you of one thing. You try to break his spirit. I will come for what you stole from me sooner than I had planned. He was mine before you plucked him up by his strings willingly handed to you by his excuse for a father. 

Do you remember what I loved most? 

Never yours,

Taehyung snarled a most terrifying noise ripping the paper to shreds, as he stormed from the room screaming. 


The door slammed hard against the frame. Shattering the mirror that rested on the wall beside it. Jimin sat down disappointed, and a little upset at whatever was in that letter. Which meant one of two things. 1. Taehyung wanted a cookie, or 2. It was a puppet's name from a previous time,and they told him something he did not want to hear. 

"Really Joonie…" was all he could say before curling up in sadness, and falling back to sleep. In hope that he could explore there.

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