Meeting Raph

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You worked on a motorcycle for a few hours after your work shift and after not being able to start it you gave up and walked home frustrated, you were always into motorcycles but when people looked at you they found it odd, you being into pastel colors and long socks you looked like you belonged in a different group not to mention you were stunning.

Your response was 'I like what I like' and would shrug off people that didn't get you before you, had a bad attitude about things but you mellowed out applying your emotions into something constructive not destructive. 

You plugged in your headphones and hummed along to some' PATD' dancing a little bit with each step you enjoyed the song.

In the corner of your eye you see a van and what looked like triplets putting glowing stuff in the back.

'what the heck?'

you stopped a bit and watch then before being pulled from behind.

"The one known as the human has seen Kraang in the place that she should not have seen".

"are you on cra-".

before you could finished your sentence they started to drag you off to there van.

'this is just not my day!'

You take out your small knife and stab one of them in the arm but he didn't let go.

'sparks ?! is this thing not a person . . .'

"IF THATS THE CASE!", you stabbed the person in the head making it fall to the floor.

'Did I kill it...'

As you looked at the body you saw movement on the chest followed by a brain crawling out and screeching away.

'eww . . like a chewed up piece of gum'

Some of the robots turned around and started to go your way before getting cut down by a fast figure with a red bandana, you stared with amazement at how swift they were taken out.

"wow . ." you said catching his attention.

"I would run along now if I were you sweetheart", he smirked at you.

" . . and what if I don't shell boy?", you matched his attitude with a smile.

He raised an eye brow and walked your way.

"your not scared?"

"not even a little ~ names (y/n) nice moves you got there"

He smirked and crossed his arms.

"raph, you handled your self pretty ok", he looks over at the knife in the robots head.

You let out a light laugh and pull it out of its head.

"I gatta go . . . ill see you around", he said with a playful grin and disappeared in the night.

You look up the direction he went, "see you later" with a grin you kept walking home.

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